Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

October 2009 048  October 2009 049

My baby was a Tiger for his first Halloween. He was looking sweet in his costume. We went over to Erin and David's for their Annual Bash and Hayride around the neighborhood. Trevor wasn’t able to go. Cy-Fair had their Senior Night on Halloween for some reason this year. He had to walk Taylor across the field during half time. Big night for Seniors!

We showed up to Erin’s at the same time as Kelley, Steve and Ava did. Ava was a ladybug this year. It was such a precious little outfit.

October 2009 050 October 2009 051

Ava wasn’t to sure about the tiger at first pounce!

Unfortunately, our little Tiger and Ladybug didn’t last long enough to enjoy the hayride this year. They didn’t go until 7:30 and by then our little tikes we worn out. So, we will take the hayride next Halloween when they are a bit older and they will definitely enjoy it then!!!

Pumpkin Patch

October 2009 019 Kelley and I took Ava and Trent to the pumpkin patch last Saturday. The weather was perfect for it. Kelley brought Ava over about 8:30 in the morning for me to watch her while she go her hair done at Erin’s. After her first week of daycare,Ava wasn’t a big fan of the whole “drop me off and leave me Mommy” idea. It took Ava about an hour to relax and warm up to being here with just me, Trevor and Trent. She loves her Uncle Trevor, but he had to leave soon after her getting here. We played for a while and I noticed both kids getting sleepy. Somehow, I was able to get Trent asleep in his crib and Ava asleep on a pallet in my bedroom. I was able to get ready for the day at this point.

Going to lunch together before the Pumpkin Patch

October 2009 010

Crawling or walking around at the pumpkin patch

October 2009 012

Trent and Ava picking out their pumpkins

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