Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Rodeo 2010

During Spring Break Trevor and I took Trent to the Rodeo. I had bought him a sweet Pearl Snap shirt to wear and straw hat! He is such the handsome little Cowboy! Watch out girls!

Unfortunately, for us the buses didn't run during the day and so we were left to drive all of the way down to Reliant and mess with some horrid traffic! We waited almost an hour to park and then we had to wait for the ride over to the Reliant.....we finally got in the Reliant Center and there were lines for EVERYTHING!! We soon realized it was "Bargain Day" and being the patient people that we both are, we left!!! It was ridiculous!

We decided to just go to Clay's Restaurant the next day where they have horses, chickens, peacocks and goats that you can walk up to feed. It was a gorgeous day and we had wished that we had thought of this wonderful idea a day earlier!!! LOL!!

My Outdoor Boy

Trent is really an outdoor child!! He loves to be outside over anything else! He throws a little fit when you finally make him go inside! It is so ridiculous that we can't help but smirk at him when he does it.

He is my sweet boy in our backyard!

His Third Haircut

Trent is a such a good boy when he gets his hair done! He goes to Cool Cuts for Kids where they have TV's in front of the chairs. We select Kung Fu Panda, which his favorite movie of all time, pop it in the DVD player and is relaxed and the cutting begins!! This time she was finished with his hair and he realized he was being left alone, so he slumped down into his chair, got comfy and just continued watching his shoe. As if he wasn't like his Daddy enough, I asked him if was ready to go eat some lunch and get a french fry and he perked up real quick and put his arms out for me to take him. Trevor much???? Mom and I got such a kick out of it!

Monday, March 1, 2010

15 month check up

Trent’s current stats:

Height: 33 inches  (90-95%)

Weight: 28 lbs. 8.6 ounces (90-95%)

Head: 49 cm  (95+ %)

He definitely knows the doctor office at this point. He screamed his head off Mom said. She had the luck of taking him today. She said when they put him on the table and pulled down his pants that he was “tapping out” on the table like he was tag-teaming his partner or something….so sad!!!

Luckily, Nana had a girl scout to give after his horrible ordeal!! Poor baby boy!!!