Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dr. Seuss Shoe Obsession

MawMaw Ada got Trent some cool, new Dr. Seuss shoes yesterday. The are "One fish, Two fish, Red fish, Blue fish" and he is officially obsessed!!

As soon as he saw them come out of the box, he came and got them out of my hand and tried to put them on himself! It was the cutest thing ever. So, I put them on him and he ran around the house in them until bed time. He would run and look down at them at the same time to see them.

This morning, as soon as we got downstairs he ran over to them and again tried to put them on immediately! He wore them all morning, running errands and again as soon as he got up from his nap. Obsessed much???

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Summer Ranch Fun

I have been so bad posting updates to my blog....this weekend we went up to the ranch and Trent had a blast! Each time we go up there he is able to do more and more...he is into everything and loves playing up there. MawMaw got him a big pool to play in on the patio and he discovered that he loves to wear rubber boots...and as always Big Trent's cowboy hat that he keeps up there. He has to wear it every time we go. Here are some pics...

Feeding the baby deer at Cody & Rebecca's...Trevor and I referred to Trent as Lenny from Of Mice and Men because he was so rough with the little deer, but he was being loving towards her at the same time, petting and hugging all over her...too cute!!