Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ava & Trent playdate

I had Kaitlyn's wedding Saturday night, so Kelley was sweet to watch Trent for me even though she is ready to pop out Brynn at any given moment! Trent and Ava had a blast playing together. Kelley said that Trent was so good for her!! He ate a bunch of pizza, played outside, bathed with his Cousin, watched shows, and played lots with her pink toys!!!

Here they are in the bath together just like how Kelley and I bathed together ALL OF THE TIME growing up!!! Good times!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

22 weeks Picture

Here I am at 22 weeks. I was dressed about to go to Kaitylin's wedding.

During the wedding, when she was acting like she was going to throw the bouquet I said out loud "I sure hope I catch that bouquet with this baby coming soon!!" Mom got a pretty good chuckle out of it, and then proceeded to repeat to several others throughout the night. Oh goodness!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

21 Week Check up

My appointment went great! Cole was super active during the ultrasound. The technician was sure to point out his anatomy again to ensure that we were still having a little baby boy!! All of the measurements were good to go as well!! (head, heart, spine, etc.) I go back at 25 weeks, but I don't get another ultrasound at that time.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Cute picture

Trent thought we were going somewhere so he was bringing Trevor his tennis shoes...while wearing them. He is so durn funny!

19 weeks

This picture is a bit late, since I am now 21 weeks. However, I will update with a new picture soon. I look much bigger now. Seems I grew quite a bit during Spring Break, and my back is now officially killing me!!

We go this afternoon for another ultrasound and check up from the doctor.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hooks Airport

Mom and I took Trent to Hooks airport today after lunch to feed the ducks and check out the airplanes since Trent loves airplanes.

The ducks were obviously stuffed from all of the visitors before us because they could have cared less that we had bread for them...they wouldn't even budge at the site of us.

Lucky for us though, there was this huge plan at the back of the duck pond. Trent spotted it immediately and ran over to it full speed, which for Trent is pretty darn fast! This pregnant Mama can barely keep up with him. I was glad to see a little ditch separating us from getting to the plane because I know Trent would have tried to run all the way to it and climb into the cockpit too!!

We miss you Mike!

March 1, 1945 - March 11, 2011

Here is Mike holding newborn Michael "Trent" Spradley III.
You are ans always will be greatly! I am sorry that Cole Spradley will never get to meet you in this life! Love you!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Nurse Little Trent

Last night we were over visiting Mike. Ada and Trevor were nursing Mike. Trent came up the stairs and observed them and then pulled over a stool and grabbed a water bottle to assist them some. It was so precious!! We had to document my sweet baby boy!

Later on he went in Mike's room again, walked over to the bedside table (where Mike has always had a candy stash) grabbed a bag of M&M's, waved and told Mike "Hi" and then walked back downstairs.

Even though, Mike can no longer eat candy Ada still keeps the drawer full because all of the grandkids have become accustomed to the "candy drawer."

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Surprise Dinner

My sweet hubby suprised me Monday night and made me a delicious meal! It was so nice tihave dinner ready when I got home and he even cleaned the dishes afterwards! I didn't have to do anything!

Steak, grilled asparagus, baked potatoe, and wedge salad...I was stuffed!!

Trevor said me and the baby deserved a good meal!! :)

Tunnel Fun

I made this Tunnel for Trent out of some bench cushions we store upstairs out of the way.
He army crawled through back and forth for about 10 minutes. It took me back to my childhood when I would always make forts out of pillows and blankets...ah, good times!!!

Cowboy at Heart

This is right before bath time on Tuesday.
Trent grabbed his boots and walked over to Trevor and demanded that he put them on him! it was so precious!! Then he walked over to his Magna-Doodle and started just a drawing on it.

After his bath he grabbed them again and wanted them on to watch TV in the bed. Later on he went into our closet and grabbed one of Trevor's boots and wanted it on as well. What a cutie!

Summer Mother's Day Out

I signed Trent up for a Mother's Day Out program this summer at a Christian Pre-Schol right down the road. He will going there on MWF from 9:15-2:15 each day. I really think that he will enjoy interacting with other kiddos his age and it will be great for him socially and developmentally!!

He went with me on Tuesday to register him and did awesome while we were there! He kept staring at the playground while I was talking to the director. LOL!! Then we went into the classroom where he will be and he started to play right off the bat! It was so cute! Then we went on a tour to the worship center and the library, where the kids can check out one book a week. How cute it that!?!?!

I can't wait to what he learns this summer! If all goes well, he might have to do a couple days of week in the Fall too, who knows!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Bath Time

Trent loves his baths! I found him the coolest bath-time crayons and markers and he draws like crazy now during his baths. He can stay in there FOREVER now and usually doesn't want to get out whenever it is time.

Last night I gave him some war paint on his face and then put the mirror on the side of the tub. He kept checking himself out in the mirror and making the funniest faces to crack himself up. Our favorite is when he scowls his eyebrows and gives us his "mean face". So freaking cute!! Love my son!!