Wednesday, February 29, 2012

High chair

My sweet baby is already in a high chair! This is going by way too fast for me! :(

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Riley's party

Trent and Aiden hit it off today at Riley's birthday party. For some reason, Aiden was calling Trent, Johnson instead of his was hilarious!

Cole and Nana

Mom found one of old baby sweaters for Cole-bug....doesn't get much cuter than this.

Cole - almost 7 months

Sitting up on his own at Nana's and his first tooth came through yesterday....time needs to stop rushing by!

Sweet Big Brother

He does loves Little Brother and I caught the rare moment on camera. :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Big Brother

Cole is saying to me "But Mommy I am so sweet why is Big Brother ignoring me?"
Cole loves his Big Brother so much and is always dying for some attention from Trent!! Unfortunately, Trent wants nothing to do with Cole at this point in time. He doesn't want Cole looking at him, touching him or even making cute and sweet baby sounds like he does. Trent will tell him "Top" (stop)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

My baby trying to crawl

Here is Cole rocking on all fours trying to start crawling...makes me so sad!! :(

This has got to be one of the sweetest faces in the history of the world!

Monday, February 13, 2012

I somehow got creative and thought of this cute idea as a gift for Trent's teachers for Valentine's Day. I thought it would mean more than just a card. I can't wait for him to give them to them! :)
This is what I came home to in my bed after a long day at school and KAC! I got home around 9:45 and Trent had passed out in my bed watching TV while Trevor got Cole to sleep. So Mommy got to sleep with her little man all night!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Kisses for Daddy

Cole loves to give kisses!! He opens up his mouth really big and plants them on you! He is the sweetest little thing!!!

This one is my favorite. He likes to pull Trevor in for kisses!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Cole is so sweet and talking up a storm these says!
"Dadadadadadadadadadadadadada" He is cracking us up! He rolls all over the place to try and get to something, usually to get close to his big brother. He wants to play with Trent so bad! He is the best little baby! He is always happy and always has a huge smile on his precious face!

Trent is still all about Batman and other superheroes! I ordered him Batman cards to exchange for the Valentine's Day parties at his schools next week. I am trying to think of something sweet to get his teachers.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Trent had been playing sweet with Cole. Cole was so happy and was loving the attention from his big brother!!

Daddy loving on his boys!!