Thursday, December 9, 2010

Birthday boy turns 2!

We had a great birthday party at Clay's. Trent received a lot of really nice gifts from everyone!

Mommy and Trent

Playing on the Bounce House

Trevor and Taylor at the party

Sweet birthday boy playing in the sand

Friday, November 19, 2010

Been TOO LONG!!!

I can't believe it has been almost 5 months since I posted!! I am awful!! We have been so busy with school, football, basketball, and just life in general!!

My sweet little boy is turning the Big 2 on Sunday. We are having a party at Clay's Restaurant on Saturday. We are so excited and expecting a pretty good turn out!! The kids are going to get to feed the animals and my sweet friend is loaning us her big Bouncy House to use for the kiddos. It is going to be so much fun! I have a fellow Klein Oak alumni, Emily Crawford photographing the party so I am super pumped about getting some great pics from the party!
This is from the trial run of putting up the Bouncy House in Mike and MawMaw's backyard. MawMaw was goofing off with Little Bit.

Trent is so funny and has a such a great personailty these days! The things that he does crack us up! He knows now when he does something and we laugh, so he will do it again and again to be funny!! He loves to lay down on the floor and wait for us to tickle him...if we stop he will lay down again and make us tickle him some more.

My son has a definite sweet tooth like his he is relishing in a cinnamon roll at his Nana's. This is the first time he ever grabbed a utensil to feed himself...he is usually a "finger eater" only.

News to report:

  • Finally paid off Buck, the Bucksnin horse. We are now trying to arrange his delivery to Texas from Montana
  • I have been dabbling in a home-based second job for supplemental income (note the above bullet)
  • Taylor is finishing up her first semester at Lone Star and being successful
  • MawMaw and Nana both recently boughty new rides....finally!!!
  • Trevor is desperately in need of a new ride himself...looking now for something
  • Big Trent is back home for a few weeks
  • Trent is obsessed with cars, horses, airplanes and his pacifier for some reason these days. He never wanted it except for nighttime until a few weeks ago. Now he wants it all of the time!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dr. Seuss Shoe Obsession

MawMaw Ada got Trent some cool, new Dr. Seuss shoes yesterday. The are "One fish, Two fish, Red fish, Blue fish" and he is officially obsessed!!

As soon as he saw them come out of the box, he came and got them out of my hand and tried to put them on himself! It was the cutest thing ever. So, I put them on him and he ran around the house in them until bed time. He would run and look down at them at the same time to see them.

This morning, as soon as we got downstairs he ran over to them and again tried to put them on immediately! He wore them all morning, running errands and again as soon as he got up from his nap. Obsessed much???

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Summer Ranch Fun

I have been so bad posting updates to my blog....this weekend we went up to the ranch and Trent had a blast! Each time we go up there he is able to do more and more...he is into everything and loves playing up there. MawMaw got him a big pool to play in on the patio and he discovered that he loves to wear rubber boots...and as always Big Trent's cowboy hat that he keeps up there. He has to wear it every time we go. Here are some pics...

Feeding the baby deer at Cody & Rebecca's...Trevor and I referred to Trent as Lenny from Of Mice and Men because he was so rough with the little deer, but he was being loving towards her at the same time, petting and hugging all over her...too cute!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Summer Fun I am a bit behind with the posts. After the last post we went on vacation and then I came back only to start summer school for two weeks and I was too worn out from dealing with turds all day to bother with updating the this post will be a mix of different pictures.

All of our Montana pictures are on Facebook...

Montana was absolutely incredible!! We loved it so much there! The weather was TO DIE FOR!!! It never reacher higher than 68 there in the heat of the day. The nights it dropped down to the 40s and we slept with no a/c for the first time that I can ever think of.....and slept on a down comforter and never even got hot!

We were up by 6, saddled by 6:30, breakfast at 7.....after breakfast we rode until 11:45, washed up, lunch at 12....rode until 5:45...washed up and dinner by 6.....took long after-dinner walks, sat on the porch sipping wine and watched the sunset....showered and in by asleep by 9 to start it all over again the next day..heaven on Earth!

Wednesday while we were there after lunch we took a long hike up along East Rosebud Creek through part of Custer Park for 3 miles and came back tothe ranch just in time for dinner.
Thursday we took a trek through Red Lodge, Beartooth Pass, and Cook city to go through the NE corner of Yellowstone Park. It was so beautiful and I highly recommend it to anyone who loves nature and animals. We saw moose, buffalo, and Black bears only to name a few.

Here is Trent trying on Tyler's Davy Crockett cap

Here are some fun pictures from Ava & Trent's playdate at Kelley and Steve's new house in Cypress...right by us! YAY!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Cousin Time

Went over to Erin’s for Dad’s birthday lunch….I can’t believe I forgot to get pics of Dad! I only got pictures of the kids.

CavittDadParty 050 The boys!

Trent with spikes from Aunt Erin

CavittDadParty 054 CavittDadParty 052


Tyler with his faux-hawk



My two boys!

CavittDadParty 059 Tyler playing baseballCavittDadParty 056CavittDadParty 058

Cavitt’s Farewell Bash

A friend is moving in a few weeks and threw a farewell bash. Trent and I went and he had a great little play date with other kids his age. It was so fun watching him play with other kids for a change!

CavittDadParty 001

Playing with Casey (4 yrs) and Graye ( a few weeks younger)

CavittDadParty 003

Trent and Katie (Katie is one month younger)


CavittDadParty 006

CavittDadParty 012

Ranch Weekend

Well, for Mother’s Day I gave myself a nice new treat, a sweet new camera. We also wanted a new camera that wouldn’t have a delay on it. We always seem to miss the Kodak moments because of the dang delay on my old camera…..well, that problem is officially solved now. Plus, we have a great camera to take with us on vacation to Montana a two more weeks!!!

So, I took the camera up to the ranch to test it out and got some fabulous shots of Trent!

New Camera May 2010 033What’s in this hole?

New Camera May 2010 036 Checking out Daddy’s bass


My favorite picture of all time so far!

New Camera May 2010 037

New Camera May 2010 042 

New Camera May 2010 046






New Camera May 2010 047

Friday, May 14, 2010

Sick Little Guy

Well, it finally happened after almost 18 months of nothing but healthy, healthy, healthy.....our baby boy finally got sick. We have been so blessed with Trent not ever being sick, that we almost didn't know what to do when he finally started feeling out of sorts. Wednesday evening we were over at Mike And Ada's and I said the he felt really warm to me and Trevor just thought it was from being outside playing earlier....I thought he felt warm. Just sayin'.....

Later that evening after his bath, he still felt to me and say I took his temperature and sure enough it was around 100. He was drinking like a crazy person and slept through the night. Thursday morning he woke up hotter than the night before and we gave him lots of juice and some Motrin. Nunu took good care of him all day and I went ahead and made him an appointment for Friday morning.

Well, it got really nasty Thursday after I got him with him from school. Trevor was still at school getting kids their physicals for next year. Trent had only had lots of water and a few crackers so around 6:30 I fed him so yogurt to get more in his stomach....not 10 minutes later he came over to me on the couch and looked at me kind of funny and then just barfed all over my was so disgusting!! I was covered in bright pink , curdled yogurt!! I scooped him up and took him out back, he wasn't finished. He started chattering his teeth and crying...he was scared...he had never thrown up before was so sad!!!

I wrapped him up in a big blanket and took him upstairs to wash him off. I called Trevor and the next thing I hear is Ada coming to the rescue. She held Trent so I could wash myself off and then she cleaned the couch and carpet for me! I am so thankful for having such an awesome Mother-in-Law!!! She is the best!!! I would have made an absolute mess out of everything!! She had a very systematic way of cleaning that gunk looked like she had done this a few times before ;)

Here it is Friday now....Trent woke up at 5am burning up and chugged two sippy cups of Gatorade and went back to bed. He got back up at 6:30 soaking wet. We think his fever finally broke...he was feeling much cooler and back to his playful, cute self.

Trevor took him to the doctor and was told he has hand-foot-mouth disease. Poor little baby has little ulcers in the back of his mouth, which explains his lack of desire to eat much of anything this week, but his been drinking like crazy!!!! The good thing he no longer has a fever right now. So, we just keep pushing the fluids down him and cold, soft foods. I think the worst is behind us at this point.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Cy-Fair Prom

We went over to take Pictures with Taylor before her Prom. I love this picture of Trevor with his kiddos!

Deputy Trent

One morning last week while we ate our occasional breakfast at McDonald's before dropping Trent off at NuNu's, my son was deputized by a local constable. This was after he spent the entire breakfast turned around eaves-dropping on what the six constables were discussing over their consumption of Big Breakfasts. He loves pancakes (pan-pan), but couldn't be bothered to eat because he was so busy being nosey.

The policed officers finally noticed Trent smiling at them and started talking to him and gave him some attention. This made it even funnier!!! One of the nice constables came over to our booth and brought Trent a plastic badge to clip on his shirt! So sweet!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Goofing Around

March-April 2010 018

March-April 2010 022March-April 2010 039 March-April 2010 044







March-April 2010 047

Mom and Trent on her Birthday

March-April 2010 019

Trevor and I took Mom out to eat seafood for her birthday lunch this year. We went to a new place in Vintage Park. It was so yummy!!! Afterwards we were able to enjoy the gorgeous day outside in the square. Trent liked running around.

March-April 2010 021

March-April 2010 020

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter at the Property

We all had a picnic and Easter Egg Hunt at Erin & David's property on Easter Sunday except for Trevor, who went up to the ranch for a few days over the long weekend. He was missed!

Here is Mom with her two boys!!

My son getting wired on brownies thanks to his Nana. He took 2 hours to go to sleep in his crib after this sugar high!! He had about 5 or 6 brownies over the course of an hour or so.

Tyler teaching Trent the ropes of driving a John Deere Gator!! Trent was a bit nervous at first when Tyler took off, but once he slowed it down a notch Trent had a blast!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Rodeo 2010

During Spring Break Trevor and I took Trent to the Rodeo. I had bought him a sweet Pearl Snap shirt to wear and straw hat! He is such the handsome little Cowboy! Watch out girls!

Unfortunately, for us the buses didn't run during the day and so we were left to drive all of the way down to Reliant and mess with some horrid traffic! We waited almost an hour to park and then we had to wait for the ride over to the Reliant.....we finally got in the Reliant Center and there were lines for EVERYTHING!! We soon realized it was "Bargain Day" and being the patient people that we both are, we left!!! It was ridiculous!

We decided to just go to Clay's Restaurant the next day where they have horses, chickens, peacocks and goats that you can walk up to feed. It was a gorgeous day and we had wished that we had thought of this wonderful idea a day earlier!!! LOL!!

My Outdoor Boy

Trent is really an outdoor child!! He loves to be outside over anything else! He throws a little fit when you finally make him go inside! It is so ridiculous that we can't help but smirk at him when he does it.

He is my sweet boy in our backyard!

His Third Haircut

Trent is a such a good boy when he gets his hair done! He goes to Cool Cuts for Kids where they have TV's in front of the chairs. We select Kung Fu Panda, which his favorite movie of all time, pop it in the DVD player and is relaxed and the cutting begins!! This time she was finished with his hair and he realized he was being left alone, so he slumped down into his chair, got comfy and just continued watching his shoe. As if he wasn't like his Daddy enough, I asked him if was ready to go eat some lunch and get a french fry and he perked up real quick and put his arms out for me to take him. Trevor much???? Mom and I got such a kick out of it!

Monday, March 1, 2010

15 month check up

Trent’s current stats:

Height: 33 inches  (90-95%)

Weight: 28 lbs. 8.6 ounces (90-95%)

Head: 49 cm  (95+ %)

He definitely knows the doctor office at this point. He screamed his head off Mom said. She had the luck of taking him today. She said when they put him on the table and pulled down his pants that he was “tapping out” on the table like he was tag-teaming his partner or something….so sad!!!

Luckily, Nana had a girl scout to give after his horrible ordeal!! Poor baby boy!!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Trying out some sweet new kicks!!


My sweet boy testing out his new sneakers in the front of the house. They make him run even faster!!


Running down the sidewalk checking out things!


Running down the driveway just before he tested out a puddle and we had to go in and change his pants!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Go Go Go

Trent now enjoys babbling around the house “go, go, go…”. He has such the cute personality. He makes Trevor and I laugh so much! We often wonder what we did for entertainment before Trent came along. He brings us so much joy.

His new trick right now is feeding Trevor his food. We will put snacks down for him and he will pick it up and hand it over for Trevor to put in his mouth. It is hilarious!! Today he kept feeding Daddy his bits of tortilla at Taco Cabana…….Daddy thoroughly enjoyed the treats…LOL! My two boys….what a mess!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

My Future Quarterback!

Kelley got Trent the cutest letter jacket for Christmas. It says Quarterback on the front of it, which is fitting since that is how Trevor made his major athletic mark back in his hay day! Well, anyway Trent LOVES this jacket! Whenever we get home and we take it off of him he carries it all around the house! He is such a cutie pie!!