My sweet little boy is turning the Big 2 on Sunday. We are having a party at Clay's Restaurant on Saturday. We are so excited and expecting a pretty good turn out!! The kids are going to get to feed the animals and my sweet friend is loaning us her big Bouncy House to use for the kiddos. It is going to be so much fun! I have a fellow Klein Oak alumni, Emily Crawford photographing the party so I am super pumped about getting some great pics from the party!
Trent is so funny and has a such a great personailty these days! The things that he does crack us up! He knows now when he does something and we laugh, so he will do it again and again to be funny!! He loves to lay down on the floor and wait for us to tickle him...if we stop he will lay down again and make us tickle him some more.
My son has a definite sweet tooth like his he is relishing in a cinnamon roll at his Nana's. This is the first time he ever grabbed a utensil to feed himself...he is usually a "finger eater" only.
News to report:
- Finally paid off Buck, the Bucksnin horse. We are now trying to arrange his delivery to Texas from Montana
- I have been dabbling in a home-based second job for supplemental income (note the above bullet)
- Taylor is finishing up her first semester at Lone Star and being successful
- MawMaw and Nana both recently boughty new rides....finally!!!
- Trevor is desperately in need of a new ride himself...looking now for something
- Big Trent is back home for a few weeks
- Trent is obsessed with cars, horses, airplanes and his pacifier for some reason these days. He never wanted it except for nighttime until a few weeks ago. Now he wants it all of the time!