Saturday, December 24, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Sweet brothers
I brought in the exersaucer today for Cole. Trent was a good big brother amd was showing him how to play with it. So cute!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Spradley 2011 Year in Review
February - During the month of February, Trent watch the Transformers movie for the first time and the obsession began. We watched the movie over and over again for months. We now also watch the animated series on The Hub as well. Trent’s favorite transformer is Optimus Prime (Opt) and Bumblebee (Bumba) is a close second. He is sure to point out every Bumblebee we see on the road. We also were very excited to find out that we were adding another baby boy to our sweet family, even though we already knew it was a boy! ;) We decided on the name Cole Sawyer Spradley. When we told Mike that we were having another boy, he replied “I knew it!”, while pointing his ever famous index finger. He now actually believed our method worked, unlike with Trent thinking it was a fluke. He continued to feed Little Trent Junior Mints and M&M’s at each visit and Trent started to visit Mike’s “candy drawer” like so many other grandchildren before.
March - This was a heart-wrenching time for the Spradley family. After a brave and courageous fight like nobody else’s you will ever witness in your entire lifetime, we lost our one-of-a-kind Mike Spradley. This is someone who never missed a day of work in the 6 years of battling cancer. He would drive himself to work and then go into chemo and then drive back to work. Talk about someone who embodies the word “hero”! We still miss him everyday, but he is with us always!! Believe that!!
April - I got the idea to move Trent into a big boy bed and completely decorated the spare room into a “Cars” theme with the Lightning McQueen bed and everything. Did Trent start sleeping in there as planned? Nope. Trevor continued to have him sleep with him in our bed….to be continued. Nana began having Tyler and Trent sleepover together to bond and be close cousins. They love playing together!
May - Trent discovered bath bubbles and loved them! I began my love for Vera Bradley! Trevor got a promotion at school as the Athletic Coordinator for the campus, even though he considers himself retired already. I had the pleasure of knowing I would not be back to school until November as I wrapped up the 2010-2011 school year. Great feeling!
June - Trevor, MaMa and Taylor went on a rode trip to the Kennemer Family Reunion in Amarillo. They stopped by Mikada on the way to break up the long drive. Trent had his first ride on Buck and immediately fell in love and rode like a natural. This was also a big month because Trent started attending a Mother’s Day out program three days a week at Chrysalis Lutheran and finally stopped using his pacifier thanks to his Big Sister and cousins.
July - This month was a blur. Trevor had an evasive procedure to try and get rid of his kidney stone, needless to say it wasn’t successful, but it kept him in bed for about 2 weeks. I was 9 months pregnant and playing nurse maid to Trevor while also taking care of Trent, who had started weekly speech therapy visits from an early intervention program. I was exhausted to say the least.
August - Cole came on August 2nd and was a complete breeze! I laugh and say, “I think he came when I sneezed.” because it was literally that easy this time. He is the easiest going baby and I don’t remember life without him, he is a such a sweet boy! Trevor had another procedure done and finally rid himself of kidney stones. Trent continued school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Taylor turned 19 years old, which I still find hard to believe and is taking another couple of basic classes at Lone Star while trying to figure out what to major in.
September - We sold the “Cars” bed and replaced it with a full size bed, which means Trevor and Trent sleep in Trent’s room and I returned to the King size TempurPedic with Cole. I turned 33 and Taylor got her first job working retail at Charlotte Russe in the Outlet Mall in Cypress. Trevor was busy with football season and I was busy at home on maternity leave with two little boys. Luckily, I had tons of help whenever I needed it from my wonderful mother-in-law and my Mom!
October - This was a busy month, mostly because I knew it was my last month before returning to work and I wanted to be productive. We finally found Trevor a good, used, reliable truck. He looks so good in it! I enrolled Trent in a soccer academy, which he enjoyed only 2 times before it became a fight to go and we stopped going. Trent went to the dentist for his visit and did awesome! We also went trick-or-treating for the first time and Trent fell in love with the whole thing, of course he went as Optimus Prime. Cole had his 2 month check up and did awesome and is growing like a weed!
November - This was a month full of changes. I went back to work. Cole started going to his Nunu’s everyday and loves her. Trent continued Chrysalis, but also got into a speech program at Lamkin Elementary. So, he started going in the mornings to Chrysalis everyday, then a bus picks him up at 12:15 and he goes to Lamkin across the street in the afternoons. He no longer has a nap. A bus takes him back to Chrysalis around 4 for us to pick him up after work. Mornings are super busy getting 2 little ones ready and dropping them off at 2 different places and trying to get to work by a reasonable time. Trent is exhausted when we pick him up from school and is usually ready for bed around 7:30 or 8 now. Trent celebrated his 3rd birthday in November. It was so cute to see him actually blow out his candle this year because he understood.
December - We unsuccessfully tried to potty train Trent this month. We will try again next month. However, we have seen major gains in Trent’s speech progression. He is learning new words everyday and now will try to repeat words you ask him say. He is really starting to show affection for his baby brother too now, which is super sweet to see. Trent is into Christmas this year. He likes to turn the Christmas tree lights on and off, as well as the lawn blow up decorations. These are his jobs. He recognizes who Santa is and gets excited when you talk about presents, “Oooooh!”
Thank you for reading about our 2011. I am hoping next year is full of health and blessings!
Trevor, Courtney, Taylor, Trent and Cole Spradley
Friday, December 16, 2011
More new words...
- Mine (as he showed Trevor his new gun)
- Yee Haw (as he used his gun to shoot Trevor)
- Here (as he gaveme his empty juice)
- Please (as he asked me for juice)
- Hi You
- What is that? - he has added the "is" to what used to be "what that?"
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
- burger
- brush
- want some
He also was loving on his baby brother and tried to pick him sweet!!! He is protective over him too. Last week, Trevor picked up both boys after school. He had to take Cole in when he picked up Trent. Well, he acted like he was going to walk out of the room and leave Cole on the table in his carrier and Trent made sure to let Trevor know to get Cole and not leave him there. Sweet boy!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Cuddle time
Trevor worked a basketball game and Cole was already asleep so Trent watched TV with me and cuddled with me until it was bedtime. Such a good boy!!! Love him!
Monday, December 12, 2011
Trent's new words
chop, chop
NO (to everything)
hult (hulk) for green
bat (for bat and Batman)
bock-bock (for Chicken)
Last night he said his version of brush
Thank you
You're welcome
pan pan (pancakes)
peets (pizza)
Trent has really improved his speech. He tries to repeat words now that you say. He is better at finding the sounds to say. It is so great to watch his progression!!
He is really getting into the idea of Christmas. He was so excited for me to put up the tree on Saturday. He loves to plug the lights in and have them come on and say "wow!!" I wish he would leave the ornaments on it though.
Potty Training - Take 1
To make a long story short, it didn't go really well. In four hours on Saturday after starting, we had already gone through 6 pairs of underwear. Trent wants absolutely nothing to do at all with the big potty. He starts to scream and fight when we take him to the potty. Needless to say, we threw in the towel by Sunday evening.
I asked his teacher at Chrysalis, Ms. Sue this morning if he would attempt to use the potty at school and she said yes. He never goes peepee in the potty, but he will go up to it and take off his diaper and stand there, which we couldn't get him to do at all. So, then I emailed Ms. Ryann after I got to school and told her about our weekend. She said something similar. He will sit on the potty at Lamkin, but will not do anythng. Well, if nothing else atleast he is obedient at school even if he rebels at home. She said he is definitely not ready if he is fighting us about it at home. It shouldn't be a traumatic thing, which I had read that already.
We will try again over the Christmas break. If we have the same result then, maybe we can try again over Spring Break with better results.
Ms. Ryann asked me if we feed Trent his food because he wants them to at Lamkin. I said definitely NO we do not feed him his food. He has been fedding himself for over a year. He acts differently everywhere he goes these days I guess. I know we don't feed him and I know he feeds himself at Chrysalis too. Kids these days!!!
On the Cole-Front.....he is sleeping a little better with a formula bottle before bed with Rice cereal and being swaddled....last night only a couple of hours at a time...but we are definitely making progress I think. Love tis kid!! He is all smiles, all the time!!!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Mommy and boy night
Trevor had to work a game tonight so it was just me and the boys. Trent got all cleaned up early and chilled in bed with Cole and I. He started fading fast and by 7:30 he was ready for bed. I asked if he was ready for bed and he climbed down and started walking to his room....I tucked him in, gave him a kiss and he was out in minutes. Poor baby!!

Spradley House
Cole has officially stopped coughing...only a bit of a runny nose, but I think that is just due to the cold temperatures.
Trent is starting to feel better. He is halfway through his antibiotics for his ear infection. Luckily, Trent is great at taking oral medicine. I call it "magic juice" and he gets all excited about it. I am assuming they have it tasting yummy for him. He still has a bit of a cough and it sleeping with a humidifier. I also have been putting Vick's on his chest because he likes it....he loves the cool feeling and the smell. So funny!! He is still a little run down just from keeping up with his new schedule with no naps. He is out within minutes of getting into bed these is great!!
Mommy is starting to feel better too. I have one more day of antibiotics for my ear infections and the pain has subsided. I still have a cloudy feeling though and my ears feel like they are covered up. I would love some more sleep, but other than that all is good.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
My sweet Cole
Cole chillin in the borrowed Bumbo seat from cousins Ava and Brynn (both outgrown it). One of the many wonderful things about having babies so close tother. He can handle some pink for a little while ;)
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Big boy Trent continued
So, Trent's teacher at Lamkin, Ms. Ryann emailed me at 1:15 letting me know that he was doing great! I was so happy she emailed me to let me know since I had been thinking about him all day and wondering how the new changes were going.
When I picked him up at Chrysalis he was happy to see me and I asked him if he had a good day and he nodded a firm yes! I asked him if he got to ride a big school bus and he excitedly nodded and said yes. Then, his cute little friend Aiden Addicks chimed in, "he got to ride a bus and it was big like this!!" (showing me with his as spread out wide). So cute!!!
Trent comes home with a folder from Lamkin each day with a daily report. Today it said "Great first day and lots of smiles!!!" We were all very pleased to hear it went so well!! So far, so good! Stay tuned.....
Big Boy Trent
1. Goes to school all day 7-5pm
2. Goes to school everyday of the week
3. Starts an afternoon Early Intervention program at Lamkin in the afternoon
4. Rides a bus for the first go back and forth from Chrysalis and Lamkin
5. Has no nap during the weekdays
6. Has to go to bed earlier to accomodate the no nap
He is getting too big and I hate it!! And to make matters worse, Cole is growing like a weed too!!!
Trent went to the ranch over Thanksgiving break and came back vehemently using the word "no"....he says it to everything too!!
Stay tuned to see how the day went.....
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Big Brother Trent
I was changing Cole this morning and Trent came up and grabbed the bottle and started feeding it to baby Cole. It was the sweetest thing ever!!! He really does love his baby brother!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Cole has officially found his voice and is experimenting with it all day long!! It is cracking me up!! He is getting quite a kick out of it as well! Today I had to take Cole with me to the doctors office for a check up post-Essure procedure. We waited in the lobby for over an hour and then in the room for 30 minutes and then it took another 15 minutes or so with the doctor, etc...then the check out girl wanted to take 10 minutes of my life...I finally had to just leave!!! Cole was so awesome the entire time!!! Then we met Sharon for a yummy lunch...he was still a champ!!! Such a great boy!!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Birthday boy!
Had the family over for pizza and cake for Trent's birthday...of course being a 3 year old...his favorite part of the party was the Transformers on top of his Transformers birthday he is playing with them in his bath.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
Duty Calls!!
Well, it was great while it lasted but I finally had to get my booty back to work today!! I so loved and will cherish my days home with my baby and my big boy, but it is tome to have paychecks again in this family!!! Guess there are goods and bads to the 21st century....not many families can afford stay at home moms, but I don't have to run my every purchase past "The Man of the House" either.
Here is my sweet baby Cole ready to leave the house to go to his Nunu's my first day back!! I missed this boy so bad today!!! I was so happy to pick him up and snuggle with him again! He did awesome today of boys have both been pretty easy going babies compared to some stories I have heard from others. Thank goodness for that!!
Super Heroes
Trent is now adding super heroes to his list of favorite things. Besides all Transformers, he loves Batman!!! Loves to watch the Justice League and The is his cool new shirt
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Evening walk
Look at the sweet boy smiling up at his Mommy!!! Trent is busy scarfing down the last slice of his personal pizza I made. Great weather for a walk...nice and cool! If only it was like this year round. Can't beat going for a 30 minute walk and not breaking a sweat!! Sigh!!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween
Well, it turned out successful after all. At first the outlook was pretty dim because Trent wouldn't have anything to do with wearing his costume...luckily though just as we were cleaning up after dinner we had some tricker treaters his age as Batman and Robin (two of his faves) and then he went right to his costume and wanted it off we went. Cole was in his carrier in the jogger and Trent walked beside Daddy. In the beginning he wasn't too sure about going up to total strangers and getting a treat, but after a block he was a total pro about it and absolutely loved it!!! The Michael T. in him wouldn't let his bag move from his right arm nor could anybody touch it or open it for fear he would lose some candy I guess. His favorite treat were some black bat rings and a candy ring pop, which he had to have as soon as we got home...during his bath and until it was complety gone. Mission accomplished!! Cole of course was an angel the entire time and fell.asleep in his Mommy's arms once we got all of my boys!!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Sweetest face
I could stare at this sweet little face all day long....I already know I will be looking at these pics a lot when I go back to work! Did I mention yet how badly I am dreading that day?!!?
He is feeling out so fast!!!! He is already in 3 months and there isn't much room in there at all now. He loves to smile amd coos like crazy!!! I don't remember Trent being this alert so early...although it is a bit of a blur I admit. Cole is definitely a Mommy's boy. Trevor will hold him for a little bit...and of he hears my voice he will start just a bawling amd is too funny!!! Hope he stays that way :)
Friday, October 14, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Dentist prize
We went for breakfast after the dentist. Trent is showing off his spider ring he got at the dentist for being a big boy!!! He was awesome!!
Dreading it....
I am really going to miss my baby boy when I go back to work!! I think it is really hitting me hard this time because I know this is my last baby to hold and he is just getting big way too fast and I can't stand it!!! I love on him all day long and just stare at him.....ugh, why must time fly so dang fast?!?!?
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Trent found some of my old glasses and had to put them on. He then put them on Cole to see how baby brother looked in funny!!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Mall Outing
Went to the mall with MawMaw to look for a Halloween costume for Trent....this was his transportation while there and he loved it!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Cole - 2 month visit
Height - 23" - 51%
Weight -12 lb 14oz - 77%
Head - 16" - 65%
The three shots were brutal!! Healthy boy though!!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Saturday, October 1, 2011
New truck
After looking for the perfect truck and perfect deal for over 2 years....we finally found Trevor a truck. It is a great truck and it fits him perfectly!! Yay!!!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
My Transformer Lover
Trent got a new Transformers tshirt this weekend and wore it to school today. He is pointing out Optimus Prime, his favorite!!!
Swaddle Time
Cole would NOT stay asleep last night! He would wake up as soon as I put him down.....after 3 hours I finally swaddled the hell out of him! He looks too durn cute...when he woke up this morning he was all smiles!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
More News
Trent has his first really sickness eye in the left eye and a double ear infection...what the heck? He doesn't even act sick...I just noticed the eye being crusty and the ear infections were a complete shock!! Poor baby...had to miss school today!
I did find out for a fact though that he is 36 pounds SOLID!!! 39" tall. Big boy!