Monday, May 23, 2011

Cousin Shananigans!!

Mom watched both the boys Saturday night. I met her and Tyler at Smashburger to eat and then pass Trent off to her for the evening. They were both so good at dinner, except for when Trent decided that the booth behind us needed to see his Lion for a bit and he dropped it in their seat for a visit (so embarassing), other than that he was a good boy.

Tyler and Trent were being so sweet to eachother. Tyler is such a great big Cousin to Trent. He loves getting to stay together at Nana's with him. I had to take a picture of their cuteness at dinner. Trent now understands "taking a picture" and will pose for me. Look how sweet my boy is here!!!

Here they are being silly for me and throwing some gang signs it looks like to this picture!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Army Cadet Trent

Tyler gave Trent his old Army hat this weekend when they were both visting their Nana. Trent has been obsessed with it ever since.

Last night, he had to bathe with it on and also used it as a play toy for pouring water.

After his bath, he had his Dad get it for him out of the tub so he could wear it in bed..(he also threw it at his Dad a few times, which Mommy got HUGE laughs from)

Silly Boy

My son and his helmet..loves safety!!

These are Trent posing for the camera! Haha!

Please forgive the mess, this room is in process of being converted to a "Cars" room!

Friday, May 13, 2011

My new collection.....

I am obsessed with Vera Bradley all of a sudden. Mom get my the slim tote below for Mother's Day and I love it!!!

Then I get to school on Wednesday and see the special for the matching Cosmetic bag!! Stop me now!!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Let's Go!!!

Trent is a bit like his Mommy and doesn't like to sit still for very long at all!! We had a Mother's Day lunch out and then he came home and napped. As soon as he got up from his nap he was begging up to go somewhere. Here is what he does.....puts to the door repeatedly, tries to push Trevor over to the door, things brings Trevor his tennis shoes.....this time he added one more ploy....he tried actually putting the tennis shoes on Trevor....LMAO!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Mother's Day Gift

I have been wanting a Vera Bradley bag for awhile that can double as a partial diaper bag/purse. I know this will come in handy when Cole arrives. The bag I had for Trent was so big it got in the way and I got tired of it so it is now his travel bag for trips.

I have been looking and this one went on sale just in time for Mother's Day :) I emailed Trevor and said thank you for the mother's Day gift it was just whatI wanted! LOL!!! He emailed back and said you are welcome!! What did I get you?? hahaha

I can't wait to get it and start using it.

Bubble Bath Time

I bought Trent some bubble bath this weekend on my shopping trip. We tried them out for the first time Sunday night and he loved them!! He even started saying his version of "bubbles" while taking his bath. He was collecting the bubbles in his hands and with his different toys and having a grand ole time. Then he started putted them on his face, so I got a mirror to show him and he kept looking at himself and laughing. It was so cute!!

Love that boy!!