Cole arrived August 2, 2011 at 1:40 pm
8.7 lbs
20 inches long
Perfectly healthy!!
He is so awesome just like his Daddy and Big Brother Trent!
He likes to sleep most of the day and night, except for a block of 3 hours usually anywhere from 12-5 am when Mommy is the most tired.
He is already wanting to eat 3-4 ounces each feeding, so my boobs are working hard to keep up the supply. I hope the appreciate all of this hard work when they are older and strapping young men thanks to me ;) I won't hold my breath on that one though.
I really struggled with wanting to breastfeed on Day 2 when he wasn't wanting to latch on and nurse, but then I looked over at Trent who is so healthy and so big and realized I owe to Cole to tough it out, even it means just pumping and giving him the milk with a bottle. I have to atleast these first couple of vital months.
The best news is that Cole doesn't have jaundice like Trent did. Makes these first days of adjusting to two little ones at once I little easier on me.
Things are pretty smooth right now.....just ask me again when Trevor is gone from 7am - 7pm everyday once school and football season starts.
Trent will go to school on Tues and Thurs and probably stay with Nunu a few days a week while I am off so he gets used her again and has a routine, plus it will give me a chance to bond with Cole.
Trent had his first speech therapy lesson today at the house. It was mostly him warming up to Kristin, the therapist. She is planning on seeing him weekly, which is better than twice a month like she had originally said. She gave him some strategies to work on with him. I hope we see improvements soon. We already have since he stopped the pacifier, started school and stopped the sippy if we can only get him in his own room and bed before college life would be even grander than it already is!!!
Love my boys and this crazy non-stop life!