Sunday, December 13, 2009

Santa’s Lap

So, I have been avoiding waiting in a never-ending line for Trent to see Santa. Last year when Trent was only a month old I attempted the mall once for this reason and saw the line and turned around and headed right back home. This year I was just about to go see Santa at the new Vintage Park, when Erin informed me that Santa was coming to the volunteer fire department right by her neighborhood. This sounded like the perfect opportunity for Trent to see Santa. We got there at the absolute best time tonight and we were the first people on line. It was awesome!! Trent was amazing!! He didn’t even bat an eye. Plus, it helped that one of the firefighter’s had his chocolate lab there and Trent was watching the dog the entire time he was on Santa’s lap. He even walked up to the dog as soon as the photo-op was over. Great time!!! I am just hoping he is as cool next year when he is 2!!!  :)

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