Monday, January 11, 2010

13.5 months

Trent at 13.5 months:
  • Sitting and watching TV for long periods of time
  • Bringing us stuff like books, balls, pictures, magnets
  • Trying to grab the remotes and cell phones
  • Taking everything off of shelves or places he shouldn't get to
  • Going into the closet and leaving it like a tornado hit
  • Following commands like; "bring me the ball", "close the door", "come get snacks"
  • Imitating sounds like Trevor and I make
  • Still loves Kung Fu Panda and Country music videos
  • Prefers people food over baby food....rarely eats baby food now
  • Clapping at the sight of people clapping on TV
  • Waving and telling people "bye-bye" even at in public
  • Staring at people and being nosey out in public, trying to get their attention
  • Sitting on the first step of the stairs and chillin'
  • Splashing the water like crazy in his bath
  • Sleeping on his Pillow Pet that Aunt Kelley got him for Christmas
  • Fussing when we leave the room

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