Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Trent's haircut for the summer heat!!! I know the grandmas will hate it, but oh well! He really looks like Michael T. here!! Look at that sweet, little face!! :)

Here is my sweet baby in his chair holding his 6lb. medicine ball and watching Transformers AGAIN!!

Here is my sweet boy in Daddy's lap, looking as if he is praying while watching Transformers AGAIN!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Getting Ready for School this Summer

So, this summer Trent is going to a MDO program at a church nearby a few days a week. He will also hopefully be transitioning into a Big Boy bed and sleeping in it as well this summer to get ready for baby brother Cole's arrival. His Big Boy room is going to be the Disney movie, "Cars" theme. I ordered a Lightning McQueen racecar bed and sheets. Mom is going to make the curtains for the room to get help block the sunlight. I am still looking for other pieces to add to the room, a little at a time.

While looking at bedroom stuff, I came across a Cars napmat I thought would be handy for his summer school. It came in the mail yesterday. As soon as I put it on the carpet, Trent climbed on it and laid his head down on the littel pillow. It was so precious, like he knew exactly what it was for!! Such a smart boy we have!!! Hope he loves school!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Wiped out!!!

MawMaw Ada watched Trent while Trent and I went over to a friend's house for a small get together Sunday for lunch. He stayed and played until about 5:30. I thought he got a nap, but it turned out to be a very short cat nap only! When Trevor pulled into the garage with him, he was passed out in his seat (the drive over is only 1 minute)!! He was completely wiped out and wouldn't budge!!! We put him in the couch in the living room and he stayed sleeping until 7 when Trevor's kissing and loving on him finally woke him up after my numerous pleads not to. Trent was NOT in a good mood at all!!! He was pretty mad to be woken up and then didn't want to go back to bed until late....Mothers always know best!! Why can't people just listen to us!?!?! I am convinced Ada had him out doing hard labor in the yard or something because I have never seen my son so exhausted! LMBO!!!

Sleepover at Nana's

Nana had both the grandsons over Saturday night for a sleepover. Trent is always so sweet for his grandmothers when his parents are not around. He doesn't scream or yell at Nana! Him and Tyler get along and play so well together. They play and hug on eachother like sweet cousins should!

When I got to Mom's Sunday morning, I saw them both leaning over the edge of the couch and watching a show on TV. It was so precious!

Of course, it was all over when Trent spotted me and started being a toot and showing out for me.

Friday, April 1, 2011

My Sweet Son

It was great ouside last night so Trent and I went out back to enjoy the nice air. Trent was sweet enough to pick up a rake and attack me with it. You can't take your eye off of him for a minute!!