Monday, April 4, 2011

Wiped out!!!

MawMaw Ada watched Trent while Trent and I went over to a friend's house for a small get together Sunday for lunch. He stayed and played until about 5:30. I thought he got a nap, but it turned out to be a very short cat nap only! When Trevor pulled into the garage with him, he was passed out in his seat (the drive over is only 1 minute)!! He was completely wiped out and wouldn't budge!!! We put him in the couch in the living room and he stayed sleeping until 7 when Trevor's kissing and loving on him finally woke him up after my numerous pleads not to. Trent was NOT in a good mood at all!!! He was pretty mad to be woken up and then didn't want to go back to bed until late....Mothers always know best!! Why can't people just listen to us!?!?! I am convinced Ada had him out doing hard labor in the yard or something because I have never seen my son so exhausted! LMBO!!!

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