Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Well, it turned out successful after all. At first the outlook was pretty dim because Trent wouldn't have anything to do with wearing his costume...luckily though just as we were cleaning up after dinner we had some tricker treaters his age as Batman and Robin (two of his faves) and then he went right to his costume and wanted it off we went. Cole was in his carrier in the jogger and Trent walked beside Daddy. In the beginning he wasn't too sure about going up to total strangers and getting a treat, but after a block he was a total pro about it and absolutely loved it!!! The Michael T. in him wouldn't let his bag move from his right arm nor could anybody touch it or open it for fear he would lose some candy I guess. His favorite treat were some black bat rings and a candy ring pop, which he had to have as soon as we got home...during his bath and until it was complety gone. Mission accomplished!! Cole of course was an angel the entire time and fell.asleep in his Mommy's arms once we got all of my boys!!

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