Monday, November 28, 2011

Big boy Trent continued

So, Trent's teacher at Lamkin, Ms. Ryann emailed me at 1:15 letting me know that he was doing great! I was so happy she emailed me to let me know since I had been thinking about him all day and wondering how the new changes were going.

When I picked him up at Chrysalis he was happy to see me and I asked him if he had a good day and he nodded a firm yes! I asked him if he got to ride a big school bus and he excitedly nodded and said yes. Then, his cute little friend Aiden Addicks chimed in, "he got to ride a bus and it was big like this!!" (showing me with his as spread out wide). So cute!!!

Trent comes home with a folder from Lamkin each day with a daily report. Today it said "Great first day and lots of smiles!!!" We were all very pleased to hear it went so well!! So far, so good! Stay tuned.....

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