Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Fun!

Trent was really into Easter this year! He had practiced at his schools this year while they had their own Easter egg hunts.

Saturday Kelley came over with Ava and Mom brought over Tyler and we all dyed eggs! Tyler had never decorated eggs for Easter before and he loved it. He was more into it than the little kids.

Trent had one egg he had found with a Green Lantern ring in it since he is now moved on to an obsession with that superhero.

Here is my lovely picture I wanted with my boys! Trent wouldn't cooperate so Tyler sat in to try and see if that would help and it didn't. Trent still wouldn't look at the camera..brat!

Here are the big Easter egg hunting kids...next year Brynn and Cole will be in on the action as well!

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