Monday, May 4, 2009

Trent had a low key weekend! He stayed with his Nana Friday night so Mom and Dad could get some much needed solid sleep. He is doing much better at night, but it still wears on you after a week of getting interrupted sleep, plus his Nana loves to spend time with him. He was given a purple bottle from Nana for the ride home because I forgot to bring one with me and we had a few stops along the way to make.

We went and got him a high chair Saturday and boy does it make feeding him much easier now!! He had gotten to where he was more focused on trying to get out of the bouncy seat than he was on eating good. It was becoming a bit frustrating. He discovered that he likes having toys to play with while he is in his high chair. We got the biggest kick out of him yesterday. He would take a toy and beat it up for about 20 seconds, banging it all around on the high chair and waving it around in the air with his arm and then throw it into the kitchen. Then we would give it right back to him and he would do the exact same was hilarious!! It was like watching a lion catch it's helpless prey in it's deadly claws and throw it around for awhile teasing it and then just go into full force attack-mode! Our son is a beast!

Trevor discovered a new trick that Trent can do and we think it is pretty cool! He can now lean with his back up against the couch and stand up for a small amount of time before he buckles. He doesn't have much stamina right now, but it is good practice for him.

Yesterday was a struggle to get Trent to take a nap. He took a short one (30 min) around 11 am. We then spent the remainder of the afternoon trying to get him to take a substantial nap. We both took turns wrestling with the "wild alligator" (Trent's nickname when he has his mind set on not taking a nap) for several hours. Finally, I had enough and strapped the little booger into his stroller and set out on a walk around 2:15. He took in the sights for a good 20 minutes and then finally gave into the sleep fairy. I walked him another 10 minutes to make sure he was good and asleep before I returned to the house! It was so durn hot!!!!! I was sweating my butt off, but it was worth it in the long run. He was in his crib sawing logs by 2:45 and slept until 5..........sweet relief! I was able to take a shower and watch an entire LIFETIME was wonderful! I don't remember the last time I was able to do that on a Sunday. Good stuff!!

I made Trent some delicious food yesterday as well. I have mastered the butternut squash and have added to my list blueberry, apple, banana medley. Lil' Trent just loved the blueberry medley. He devoured a Stage 2 tub full of it in a matter of 3 minutes or so. He loves him some food that is for sure!

By the way, we weighed Trent last Thursday and he was 22.4 lbs...........son of a gun!! He is so heavy...neither Trevor nor I can hold him for long before complaining of back pain....and he is only 5 and a half months! Mercy!

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