We finally decided on a name for our new baby boy.....drum roll please.....
Cole Sawyer Spradley
It was tough coming up with another boy name that we both liked...the first time it was super easy because we both loved the name Trent...we named Little Trent after Trevor's Dad and older brother, both named Michael Trent Spradley. However, we first tried sticking to another T name, and that was tough for us to agree on. Trevor likes the name Tucker, but I just couldn't name my son that for some reason. I liked the name Truett, but Trevor doesn't...so it was tough. Finally, once we agreed that we can look outside of the T's, it became much easier.
I was in love with the name Sawyer for a girl, even though I have heard that is unisex, I prefer it for a girl over a boy's name. I am keeping it for the middle name so I can stil have it somewhat since this is definitely my last baby :( And we both like Cole!!! So there you go!!
As for Trent, he has been SUPER cute the last couple of days..he is really showing off his funny little personality lately. Trevor and I can't help but crack up at him even when he is being a brat in a funny way! Here are some examples of what I am talking about:
- Crosses his arms and looks at you
- Shrugs his shoulders, like I don't know
- Drove by Ada's house to see her and Mike and they weren't home yet so we started driving off, Trent freaked out!!!! So we had to go inside and wait on them to get home.
- I picked up McDonald's breakfast before school and had the bag on the floor. He demanded that I give him my hashbrown (he knew it was in there) wow!!
- Anytime he hears change rattle he wants it now to put in his piggy bank
- He was crawling into the car to get in his seat and spotted a penny under the seat, he had to get it and then go take it inside to put in his piggy bank
- Saw a bag of mini Oreos in the store and had to have them and snack on them right then and there!!
- He fakes coughs with his fist covering his mouth now
- If we cough he comes up and pats us on the back (started this yesterday)