Friday, February 11, 2011

My son the Saver

So I got Trent a piggy bank a long time ago and we have been adding to it here and there. Well, a couple of weeks ago he noticed some change and picked it up to show me. I took him over to the piggy bank and showed him how to put it in there. It stuck with him!! Everytime he sees change or I find some to give him he takes and runs upstairs to put it in his piggy bank.

Well, the other night he came up to Trevor wanting something see we took him in the kitchen thinking he wanted juice (No, shook his head), maybe his pacifier (No, shook his head). He dragged Trevor over and wanted the change jar he saw on the kitchen counter by where we keep the car keys. He found it!! We had never showed it to him before. Trevor handed him the jar and Trent sprinted for the stairs. He pulled the piggy bank off the shelves upstairs and sat it on the floor and proceeded one by one to put each coin in the piggy bank! So cute! Love my son!! I hope he is a saver like his Mama!!

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