Asleep waiting at the clinic :(
On another note, when I picked up Cole Thursday from Nunu's around his eye was red and swollen and had green goo coming out of his eye. Nunu said when he woyuld get up from naps his little eye was crusty. His behavior was still wonderful though and he didn't seem to feel bad.
It didn't look any better Friday morning. Trevor took him to the doctor and he was diagnosed with pink eye....yuck! The doctor said it has been going around like crazy. I am thinking he got it Wednesday when we went out to eat at Taco Cabana and he sat in the high chair and was touching the table for his puffs even though he was in his covered high chair seat and I wiped down the table first. Ugh! The weird thing is Brynn had the same condition with both of her eyes and was told she had a raging ear infection and this was a symptom of it. Cole's ears were good though.
Cole is 7 months now and 20 pounds! Mercy!
This is Cole Saturday morning. He looks much better in this picture.
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