Monday, April 27, 2009

Trent had a big weekend!! His Aunt Chalyse and Unlce Louis came in town to visit for the weekend and brought his cousins; Carson, Peyton, and Presley. The girls just love their little cousin Trent. They are always wanting to hold him or feed him. Peyton is like a mother hen. She just loves to mess with him. The funny thing is that she is 10 years old and weighs only twice his size....she can barely hold Lil' Trent without tipping over. He's a beast! He was in his chair and started to fuss, Peyton leaped to his rescue and picked him up and started to do the whole "side to side bounce" move that she has seen everyone do with him. She is so smart and observant. She is going to be a great Mom one day........MANY years from now!! Presley always thinks he needs a bottle or a diaper change...even after he just finished a bottle or had a diaper change. It is hialrious!! We were all out to dinner Friday night and Chalyse picked up Trent and walked with him some in the little courtyard at the restaurant to keep him preoccupied....and the girls just followed her every move. They want to be where Trent is at all times! I even overheard Presley say "I can't wait to have babies!" Oh my goodness, she is only 6 years old.

Trent is rolling like a champ these days!! We put him on the floor and he just flips from side to side with ease! He hardly likes being in his bouncy seat anymore. He turns in it and just about gets out of it. If it isn't that, he is scooting down to the bottom and is half-in and half-out of it and then he gets mad. He wants to go!!!! He doesn't want to be still anymore.

Trent is such a good baby!! He is basically always content unless he is hungry or tired. Trent and I met Nana and Aunt Erin and Tyler for lunch at Luby's yesterday and he was sweet! He stayed in his carrier the entire time, which is rare these days. He just kept watching us, mainly Tyler. He loves Tyler!! Trent ate a bit of his Mommy's mashed potatoes and thought they were yummy. Then he accompanied me and Nana to Kohl's for some shopping. He was so sweet there as well! He got to ride in the front of the shopping cart and loved being able to see everything. Eventually, Nana picked him up and just about gave herself a hernia by the time we were through walking around the store. It is a true workout to lug him around for any length of time. He is just solid! Nana got him a new set of outfits that are 9 months. He is wearing one today at the sitters and it fits him well...just a tiny bit of room to grow in it.

Oh, and I almost forgot. I made him some homemade food yesterday to see how it went. It was pretty easy and he seems to love it just the same. I made some fresh butternut squash (one squash makes a ton!!!) and some sweet potatoes!! He had some of the potatoes last night and lapped them up along with some prunes. I also gave him some apple juice for the first time last night and he is in heaven with it. He loves trying new tasty things! We are hoping it helps a bit with his constipation. My poor little baby needs a good BM!!! So, I thawed some breastmilk for him to have today at his sitters along with some more apple juice and hopefully that will work for him.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Trent slept so well last night!!! I hope it isn't just a fluke. He was out cold by 8:10. He woke up once at 1:30 and chugged an entire bottle and was back down within 20 minutes! Trevor and I woke up this morning at 6:30 to the sound of Little Man throwing his legs down in his crib over and over again. We were wishing so bad that we had a video monitor this morning so we could stay in bed and still know what he was doing, without going into his room and him spotting us. So, very quietly we tip-toed into his room and then I crawled over to his crib and peeked over the side. Trent had turned himself to the opposite end of the crib and was just kicking his legs and trying to touch his toes (fat chance fatty!!). It was so cute!!!! We kneeled and watched him for a good 10 minutes. He finally kicked and turned on his music and lights while doing so and just laid there and watched. So funny!!! Trevor finally coughed or something and Trent spotted him and was scooped up and brought into our room to watch his morning dose of CMT.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Trent is his sweet outfits...he maybe a baseball player.

Or just a lady killer.....!!

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

My precious baby rolled over all the way last night from his back to his tummy!!! He has been trying to for the past couple of days and now he is just a rollin' and lovin' it! We were working with him last night while he watched his recorded Shrek the Third (he loves this movie). Later on after eating his entire tub of sweet potatoes and corn and then a tub of applesauce, he rolled over on the carpet to get to one of his toys. We were all so impressed. He was so proud of himself!

I think he wore himself out with all of the rollin' practice because my poor, sweet baby kept dozing off in his bath last night. It was so sad!!! He was bathed and in bed asleep by 7:15. Unfortunately, he wasn't down for the night. He woke up a few times and had to be put back to sleep. I will be so thankful and grateful when he finally consistently sleeps through the night.

This morning I got up and went to check on him and he was moving around in his crib. He was turned over on his left side trying to reach his passy. It was the cutest thing. I told Trevor he was waking up and to listent o him while I got in the shower. Trevor came in to the bathroom a few minutes later with our little brat. When he went in to get Trent he was on his RIGHT side trying to push to button to turn on his Fisher Price musical aquarium on the side of his crib. He is really making some strides and growing up to darn fast!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

April 17, 2009

Here are the things that Trent likes at 21 weeks
  • CMT - Country music videos (especially the blonde ladies: Carrie underwood, Kelli Pickler, Taylor Swift)
  • Being outside - especially on a swing
  • Watching the puppy dogs play at MawMaw Ada's house
  • Holding his bottle
  • Pulling off Mom's glasses and trying to eat them
  • Clawing at Mom or Dad's face
  • Playing in his exersaucer
  • ALL FOODS- carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, prunes, applesauce, pears, peaches, bananas
  • Shrek
  • Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
  • Winnie the Pooh
  • Handy Manny
  • Stuffed horsey and puppy dog
  • bathtime
  • imitating Mom & Dad
  • drooling
  • grabbing at everything
  • trying to put his own passy in his mouth (almost there!!)
  • going to his NuNu's house in the mornings

Things Trent dislikes at 21 weeks

  • Getting into his car seat
  • dirty poopoo diapers
  • going down for naps
  • Mom & Dad leaving the room and being out of vision

Thursday, April 16, 2009

April 16, 2009

Trent is really getting good with his hands. He is starting to really have great hand-eye coordination. He wants to grab and hold everything!!! After school yesterday, Trevor and I took him to eat at our home away from home, Taco Cabana. He was so well behaved (Trent too...ha!!) Little T sat in his carrier seat the entire time while we pigged out on good!!! While we were there, Trevor started to feed Lil' T a bottle......Trent kept holding his bottle. At one point, he held it for a good 20 seconds!!! We were so impressed with our little man!! Trent was pretty impressed himself and kept cooing as well smiled and praised him. He did it again on the way home. I got a picture of him on my phone that I need to upload still.

Later on, we were all watching TV and playing downstairs. Trevor was leaning over BooBoos playing with him and talking to him forever. Trent was loving this and kept laughing out load and pulling egging Trevor on for more. Trent got ahold of Daddy's shirt and kept pulling him in towards him. He was imitating Trevor and growling back at him. I got this on video. We watched it later on last night and just laughed!! Trent was enjoying watching himself on the big screen as well.

He was so tired from all of the playing that he started to fall asleep in his relaxing bath. He actually fell asleep in his bath a few weeks ago. It was so adorable! Trent LOVES his baths!!! He knows when we start taking him upstairs in the evening what time it is and he just starts smiling and talking and getting so excited!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Weekend

April 14, 2009

We went up to the Spradley Ranch for the Easter weekend. Trevor and I really think that Little T aka "BooBoos" grew up this weekend. He is so much more observant and grown up all of a sudden to us. He is getting so long too. He was spoiled rotten this weekend too by his MawMaw (Trevor's Mom). She was wonderful and wanted to give us a break and at first she said she would get up with him during the night. However, when bedtime came Ada wanted him to sleep with her in her bed right next to her each night. Spoiled brat, I tell ya! Trent absolutely loved it of course and slept through the night both nights for her!! He didn't make her get up at all and Trevor and I got some much needed sleep like back in the old days (old days being Pre-BooBoos). I felt like a new person in the mornings. So nice!!! Thank you MawMaw!!

On the way up on Friday morning, we stopped right north of Brenham and found a great patch of bluebonnets and took some pictures of Little T. He of course loved being outside as usual and even tried a few times to lean over to bluebonnets and eat them. He dreaded getting back into the car seat after this adventure. Oh yeah, did I tell you we circled around the loopy intersection a few times before Trevor would finally pull over somewhere "safe". Taylor and I were giving him such a hard time and making fun of him. We kept saying "hello again" to all of the bluebonnets we kept passing by again....and again before finally stopping in a good, safe locale for Dad.

At the ranch it was mostly windy and chilly, but BooBoos was able to get outside a little bit here and there. Friday afternoon we had a little pow wow outside for a bit with everyone and Trent sported his sunglasses and little hat to block the sunlight. He talked to the dogs and at one point leaned in to give Mama dog Dixie a kiss on the snout. It was so cute!! She is so good with kids. He just watches the dogs non-stop when they are around. He turns his head from side to side to keep up with them. Later on he was being fussy and refusing his nap so I bundled him up real good and rocked him on the front porch. He was out in no time. The outside just relaxes him so much. He is definitely an outdoor kid...thank goodness!!!

Sunday morning while he was playing first thing in the morning he discovered that he can make his noises louder and deeper. He basically woke up the entire Spradley family by practicing his new sounds. It was so funny!!! He was so impressed with himself. We just loved watching him!! The more you talked to him and imitated him, the more noise and talking he would do. Little T is really getting into the imitating stage now.

We got back in town in time Sunday for me and Little T to trot over to Mom's house (Nana's) and visit the Mungovan clan for a little bit before everyone had to jet out of there. Aunt Glo, Uncle Mike, Christine, John, Brenna, Thomas, Kelley, Steve, Ava, and Aunt Erin and Tyler got to see Baby Trent for a little bit. The Mungovan crew couldn't believe how much he had grown since their last visit and asked me " what are you feeding this kid?" I have heard that question a few times. The kid at his 4 month check up was 18.8 lbs and 25.75 inches. He is going to be a big boy!

Monday we dropped him off at his NuNu's house in the morning and he was so excited to see her! He really loves his sitter and she absolutely adores him!!! She's like a third grandma to him! We are so lucky to have her!!! She spoils him. If he spits up even a tiny bit she will change his outfit. I come home each day with half a load of laundry! ha! We got him home Monday after school and Trevor was talking to him lots. Little T can now put his lips together and make the spitting sound with his lips. He loves it!!! When I got up with little mister last night he was doing it after his bottle and then once I put him back in his crib he was doing it while asleep. So precious!!! I just love to watch him!