Thursday, April 23, 2009

Trent slept so well last night!!! I hope it isn't just a fluke. He was out cold by 8:10. He woke up once at 1:30 and chugged an entire bottle and was back down within 20 minutes! Trevor and I woke up this morning at 6:30 to the sound of Little Man throwing his legs down in his crib over and over again. We were wishing so bad that we had a video monitor this morning so we could stay in bed and still know what he was doing, without going into his room and him spotting us. So, very quietly we tip-toed into his room and then I crawled over to his crib and peeked over the side. Trent had turned himself to the opposite end of the crib and was just kicking his legs and trying to touch his toes (fat chance fatty!!). It was so cute!!!! We kneeled and watched him for a good 10 minutes. He finally kicked and turned on his music and lights while doing so and just laid there and watched. So funny!!! Trevor finally coughed or something and Trent spotted him and was scooped up and brought into our room to watch his morning dose of CMT.

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