Thursday, April 16, 2009

April 16, 2009

Trent is really getting good with his hands. He is starting to really have great hand-eye coordination. He wants to grab and hold everything!!! After school yesterday, Trevor and I took him to eat at our home away from home, Taco Cabana. He was so well behaved (Trent too...ha!!) Little T sat in his carrier seat the entire time while we pigged out on good!!! While we were there, Trevor started to feed Lil' T a bottle......Trent kept holding his bottle. At one point, he held it for a good 20 seconds!!! We were so impressed with our little man!! Trent was pretty impressed himself and kept cooing as well smiled and praised him. He did it again on the way home. I got a picture of him on my phone that I need to upload still.

Later on, we were all watching TV and playing downstairs. Trevor was leaning over BooBoos playing with him and talking to him forever. Trent was loving this and kept laughing out load and pulling egging Trevor on for more. Trent got ahold of Daddy's shirt and kept pulling him in towards him. He was imitating Trevor and growling back at him. I got this on video. We watched it later on last night and just laughed!! Trent was enjoying watching himself on the big screen as well.

He was so tired from all of the playing that he started to fall asleep in his relaxing bath. He actually fell asleep in his bath a few weeks ago. It was so adorable! Trent LOVES his baths!!! He knows when we start taking him upstairs in the evening what time it is and he just starts smiling and talking and getting so excited!!!

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