Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 4th Week at the Ranch

All the kids and grandkids (minus Tay who was with her Mom on a trip) went up to the ranch for the week of 4th of July.

We all had a great time fishing, playing in the lake, and eating (of course)!!

Peyton, Presley and Carson all enjoy playing with their little Cousin. Here they are trying to show him the fun of the Wii Steering wheel and the gun.

The kids discovered the Trent likes to knock over towers of toys. They kept stacking up his cups and bloc
ks and Trent would crawl over to knock them over. It was so cute!

Uncle Trent played with Little Man too. He tried his baseball cap on him to see how it looked. Lil Trent loved it as you can see!

Funny story: Chalyse in a hurry to get everyone packed after working all night, managed to get to th
e ranch without her swimsuit. So we call Ada while she is in Gatesville still to see if she could pick up a suit for Chalyse because we all planned on going in the lake to cool off and play. Well, Ada picked her up a two suits to be on the safe side; one a two-piece and the other a one-piece. The greatest one-piece of all time!!! It reminded me of the suit my Memaw wore when she took me and my Cousin Kelley to Tennessee in the late 80's. I made Chalyse give a fashion show and we all get a good laugh out of "The Suit"! It was awesome, complete with mini-skirt!! Don't hate me Chalyse for putting this on here. I will not, I repeat will not be putting it on Facebook.

We all had a great visit together!!

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