Monday, June 29, 2009


My baby is now is kind of sad to watch him! I am having a hard time uploading the actual video, hoping this link works. If not, it is on my Facebook.


He is such a sweet boy! We took him to Whole Foods today to check out the organic world out there after I have been reading about the horrors in our food industry in the book "The Unhealthy Truth". It is really eye opening and very scary to find out what is actually in the foods that we eat and feed our families! I am starting to feel like a big hippy now. It is hard not to want to change eating habits after reading this book! I suggest that everyone read it so that you can atleast be informed.

Here is my baby crawling to his Daddy.

I don't know what happened, but his diaper was coming off towards the end of his nap......cute little boy.

Daddy got him up from his afternoon nap today.

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