Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Playing with Daddy

Here is Trent playing with Daddy right before bed time.

I love listening to him squeal (Trent that is). It is on my Facebook. I couldn't get it uploaded here.

Remember how I mentioned earlier that Trent just loves Kelli Pickler? Well, her video came on this morning as usual and we snapped a shot of Trent's face while watching her. It is so funny to see his reaction as soon as he hears her voice come on.

As you can see, he is also sitting up by himself great now too!

I forgot to add Trent's stats from his 6 month check up. Drum roll please..........

Height: 29" (90-97%)
Weight: 21#2.3lbs. (50-75%)
Head: 45 1/4" (50-75%)

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