Thursday, June 25, 2009

I am sorry that it has been awhile since I have posted last. I have been out of town a few days for training and teaching summer schools. My free time is next to do nothing. By the time I get home at night and we get Trent to bed, I am ready to do nothing at all!

Lots of happened since I have been here last. Let's see......

  • Trent is basically crawling a few steps at a time
  • He is trying to pull up (had to lower his mattress tonight)
  • He loves cell phones and remotes, of course
  • He sits up like a champion
  • He sleeps like true Spradley these days.....great naps and sleeping through the nights
He got to visit with his cousins while they were in town and his Uncle Trent while he stayed with us for a few days. We all loved having Big Trent here!!

I plan on adding pictures soon!!! Tomorrow is my last day of summer school!! :)

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