Thursday, August 20, 2009

9 month check up

So, today was Trent’s 9 month check up at the pediatrician. Luckily, for us MawMaw Ada was nice enough to take him for us since work has started back up for Trevor and I already and she watched Little Man on Thursdays it worked out wonderfully!

Current Stats:

Height: 30 1/4 inches (90-97%)

Weight: 23 1/2 lbs. (90%)

Head: 47 inches (90%)

Our Little Man is doing great!! MawMaw said he was super the entire doctor visit. As usual, with strangers, especially the fairer sex he was smiling and cooing and just working that Spradley Charm! He has to make sure and gets everyone’s attention. He will make an effort to smile and look at the person until he gets their attention and they smile back. Trevor and I get such a kick out of this! It is hilarious!

Big Trent has been visiting with us for the past week! We really enjoy having him here with us. Little Trent just loves him and crawls over to him every chance he gets for some Big Trent attention!

Let me explain this picture. So, Taylor calls and wants to go eat at Olive Garden. She, Ada and Big Trent were on there way and called to see if we wanted to join. Trevor was exhausted and wanted to pass on the offer, but I was up for it and started to change clothes. I was about to walk out the door and Trevor handed me Lil’ Trent to take with me, I was hesitant since it was already 6:45 and I know how my baby loves his routine at night….long story short, he is in bed by 8 every night, which makes dinner out not so much fun if it interferes with bedtime.

Well, we get to Olive Garden and it is a 30-35 minute wait so we leave to try another place. We go into BJ’s, again another 30 minute wait there. Finally, Taylor has the idea of Hooter’s. I tried to sway her, feeling like White Trash taking my 9 month old son into Hooter’s, but Big Trent agreed and it was all over after that.

So, in this picture Taylor captured my son checking out our waitress. He had watched her walk from our table all the way over to the drink station. Priceless!!!

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