Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Silly Trent

Things that Trent likes at 8 months

  • Playing Peek-a-Boo and laughing at you
  • Kung Fu Panda
  • Puffs
  • Remotes
  • Cell Phones
  • Crawling
  • Pulling up on EVERYTHING!!!!
  • Guacamole
  • Growling at Daddy
  • Knocking over the glass container with decorative balls to play with them
  • Splashing in his bath
  • Evening walks with Mom & Dad
  • Looking at his reflection in the dishwasher and oven
  • Grabbing hats off of heads and eyeglasses
  • Making blanket piles in his crib to sleep on
  • Tearing up magazines or anything paper
  • Patting everything
  • Clapping

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