Monday, February 28, 2011

Drummer Boy

Saturday Trent and I went to the 1st birthday party of my friend Courtney's little girl, Riley. Immediately Trent discovered the room with her husband Mike's drum set!! Immediately!! Mike thought it was hilarious and turned on the set. Trent picked up the sticks instinctively and starting drumming away!!

He was such a good boy at the party! He was either playing on the drums by himself, playing in the toy room or out in the backyard playing. Everyone was asking who's cute little boy he cute!!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Candy Slut

Went and visited Mike again last night. Trent had to go into Mike's room and get his candy fix. Mike laid out some Junior Mints and Plain M&M's for him on the bed in a row...of course Trent picked them up one by one and put them in his mouth all at once...I called him my "Little Candy Slut". Mike got a good chuckle out of that..haha!!

Trent will run off with a mouth full of candy, finish it, and come right back to Mike's side of the bed for his next fix!! So funny!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

We finally decided....

We finally decided on a name for our new baby boy.....drum roll please.....

Cole Sawyer Spradley

It was tough coming up with another boy name that we both liked...the first time it was super easy because we both loved the name Trent...we named Little Trent after Trevor's Dad and older brother, both named Michael Trent Spradley. However, we first tried sticking to another T name, and that was tough for us to agree on. Trevor likes the name Tucker, but I just couldn't name my son that for some reason. I liked the name Truett, but Trevor doesn' it was tough. Finally, once we agreed that we can look outside of the T's, it became much easier.

I was in love with the name Sawyer for a girl, even though I have heard that is unisex, I prefer it for a girl over a boy's name. I am keeping it for the middle name so I can stil have it somewhat since this is definitely my last baby :( And we both like Cole!!! So there you go!!

As for Trent, he has been SUPER cute the last couple of days..he is really showing off his funny little personality lately. Trevor and I can't help but crack up at him even when he is being a brat in a funny way! Here are some examples of what I am talking about:
  • Crosses his arms and looks at you
  • Shrugs his shoulders, like I don't know
  • Drove by Ada's house to see her and Mike and they weren't home yet so we started driving off, Trent freaked out!!!! So we had to go inside and wait on them to get home.
  • I picked up McDonald's breakfast before school and had the bag on the floor. He demanded that I give him my hashbrown (he knew it was in there) wow!!
  • Anytime he hears change rattle he wants it now to put in his piggy bank
  • He was crawling into the car to get in his seat and spotted a penny under the seat, he had to get it and then go take it inside to put in his piggy bank
  • Saw a bag of mini Oreos in the store and had to have them and snack on them right then and there!!
  • He fakes coughs with his fist covering his mouth now
  • If we cough he comes up and pats us on the back (started this yesterday)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Trevor played the Transformers DVD for Trent last night knowing that he would like it! Well, he absoultely LOVED it!!! When it was over he was so upset and sad! He had this completely dejected look on his face. This morning when Trevor went to put on his shoes, Trent ran over and took both shoes and threw them across the room. He then grabbed his Daddy's hand and pulled him over to the Transformer DVD box and pointed to the DVD player. Wow!! Can you say obsessed??!?! Ha!!!

Another funny....
Last night I laid in bed with my boys until I was ready to go to sleep. I left and went into the spare room where I have been sleeping. As soon as I got into bed and turned on the alarm I hear Trent fussing down the hall. He dragged his Dad out of bed and into my room. He was crying for me. He tried to get him in bed with me, but no! He took my hand and dragged me back to the other room to lay with them. He wouldn't let me leave again!! Sweet boy!!

It's a Boy!!

We went on Monday to the doctor for an ultrasound and check up! She was able to tell already that we are definitely having another precious, little boy. We saw the goods!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Ultrasound - 8 weeks

This is the firsy ultrasound we got at 8 weeks. The heartbeat was 155 bpm. The baby was moving around like crazy!! Looked like he/she was jumping around on a trampoline better known as my uterus. Love watching my baby!!

Funny Kid

Trent found a pair of my old glasses and was wearing them around the bedroom playing with his broom. He looks like a cute, little Harry Potter right here I think. I was dying laughing at precious!

15 weeks picture

Not the best photography, but gets the point across. Quite the belly already.

Friday, February 11, 2011

My son the Saver

So I got Trent a piggy bank a long time ago and we have been adding to it here and there. Well, a couple of weeks ago he noticed some change and picked it up to show me. I took him over to the piggy bank and showed him how to put it in there. It stuck with him!! Everytime he sees change or I find some to give him he takes and runs upstairs to put it in his piggy bank.

Well, the other night he came up to Trevor wanting something see we took him in the kitchen thinking he wanted juice (No, shook his head), maybe his pacifier (No, shook his head). He dragged Trevor over and wanted the change jar he saw on the kitchen counter by where we keep the car keys. He found it!! We had never showed it to him before. Trevor handed him the jar and Trent sprinted for the stairs. He pulled the piggy bank off the shelves upstairs and sat it on the floor and proceeded one by one to put each coin in the piggy bank! So cute! Love my son!! I hope he is a saver like his Mama!!

Almost 16 weeks

Here is what we look like at 16 weeks. Although, I look much bigger than this picture shows. We go back to the doctor on Monday, Valentine's Day for a check up and ultrasound. I am hoping we can learn the gender, if not we will have to wait untl 20 weeks.

Monday, February 7, 2011

15 weeks!

Well, I am at 15 weeks and moving right along. I am already showing pretty well! I have quite the tummy already. I have quite the appetite these days. We have been eating out way too much lately, which is not good for trevor since he is trying to lose weight. It will be easier for him starting tomorrow when basketball season is over and he can work out on his conference period at school.

We took Erin and David's Temper Pedic mattress off of their hands this weekend and we both love it!!! I only wish I could sleep in it more. My son is still in our bed at night with his Dad and I am retreating to the spare room to get some good sleep! It stinks because I love the new mattress. We have to work on getting him out of there before the new baby comes. Last night I tried to stay in there, but Trent moves around so much trying to get comfortable to go to sleep and I wind up getting motion sickness...barf!

Trent is really trying to talk more these days..praise the Lord! Saturday he mimicked Tyler after Tyler kept repeating "oh my gosh!!". Saturday night he copied MawMaw and Taylor saying "bug, yuck!". Yesterday he said plain as day "MawMaw" when Trevor asked if he wanted to go visit for a little bit. I love hearing my kid talk.

This morning Trevor had to call me after he dropped off Trent at Nunu's because as soon as Trevor put him down on the floor at Nunu's, Trent turned around and pushed Trevor towards the door to leave. I guess he was ready for some time with his Nunu...LOL!!! Love my kid! He is so funny!

Trent started to notice that my tummy was getting big last week. He just starred at my tummy for the longest time and then finally came over and pointed at my belly button. So funny.