Monday, February 7, 2011

15 weeks!

Well, I am at 15 weeks and moving right along. I am already showing pretty well! I have quite the tummy already. I have quite the appetite these days. We have been eating out way too much lately, which is not good for trevor since he is trying to lose weight. It will be easier for him starting tomorrow when basketball season is over and he can work out on his conference period at school.

We took Erin and David's Temper Pedic mattress off of their hands this weekend and we both love it!!! I only wish I could sleep in it more. My son is still in our bed at night with his Dad and I am retreating to the spare room to get some good sleep! It stinks because I love the new mattress. We have to work on getting him out of there before the new baby comes. Last night I tried to stay in there, but Trent moves around so much trying to get comfortable to go to sleep and I wind up getting motion sickness...barf!

Trent is really trying to talk more these days..praise the Lord! Saturday he mimicked Tyler after Tyler kept repeating "oh my gosh!!". Saturday night he copied MawMaw and Taylor saying "bug, yuck!". Yesterday he said plain as day "MawMaw" when Trevor asked if he wanted to go visit for a little bit. I love hearing my kid talk.

This morning Trevor had to call me after he dropped off Trent at Nunu's because as soon as Trevor put him down on the floor at Nunu's, Trent turned around and pushed Trevor towards the door to leave. I guess he was ready for some time with his Nunu...LOL!!! Love my kid! He is so funny!

Trent started to notice that my tummy was getting big last week. He just starred at my tummy for the longest time and then finally came over and pointed at my belly button. So funny.

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