Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Trevor played the Transformers DVD for Trent last night knowing that he would like it! Well, he absoultely LOVED it!!! When it was over he was so upset and sad! He had this completely dejected look on his face. This morning when Trevor went to put on his shoes, Trent ran over and took both shoes and threw them across the room. He then grabbed his Daddy's hand and pulled him over to the Transformer DVD box and pointed to the DVD player. Wow!! Can you say obsessed??!?! Ha!!!

Another funny....
Last night I laid in bed with my boys until I was ready to go to sleep. I left and went into the spare room where I have been sleeping. As soon as I got into bed and turned on the alarm I hear Trent fussing down the hall. He dragged his Dad out of bed and into my room. He was crying for me. He tried to get him in bed with me, but no! He took my hand and dragged me back to the other room to lay with them. He wouldn't let me leave again!! Sweet boy!!


  1. Nice blog Ms.Spradley. Your little boy is so cute and I am very excited to hear you are having another little boy . I think this suits you well. Keep blogging and maybe we can convince Sharon to start a blog of her pregnancy.

  2. I know! I can't believe she doesn't blog. I will work on her!! Thank you Deborah!!
