Monday, January 30, 2012

I had both boys dip their hands in blue paint and put them on a canvas. I want to hang them side by side in their bathroom. Love this!!

Here we are on our walk last night. Trent insisted on wearing his Optimus Prime mask and his Batman jacket. Love that kid!! Cole was being sweet as him too!!!

Sunday, January 29, 2012


(Trent got a hold of my phone and posted this somehow)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day #2

Trent pp'd in the potty again at two days in a row. He tried to peepee in the potty at home before getting into the bath too! We went out to eat with MawMaw to celebrate his success.

It is exciting and a bit sad at the same time. My little boy is growing up too fast!!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Cole rolls all over the place now and will get on his tummy and try to moves his legs to get somewhere...we are thinking crawling is not far away at all :(


I got an email from Trent's teacher at Lamkin today that he actually stood in front of the potty and a drop went in...YAY!! I think we are close to successful potty trainng...stay tuned! He is actually getting somewhat interested in it now!

Love my boys!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Elephant Batman

Trent got a new Batman t-shirt this was a big boy size xs and so it is a night shirt and glows in the dark. He loves it! He insisted on wearing his elephant headband after his bath he is posing for the camera.

Here is Cole trying to give his big brother some loving!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Super Chunk

Cole is really packing on the winter weight!! :)

Cousins at the Zoo

Kelley and I took the kids to the zoo Saturday! It was a perfect day for the zoo. It was sunny and in the low 60's! We had a great time!! Trent and Ava are at the age now where they recognize the animals and know what they are and what signs they make. They really enjoyed themselves and Trent had a meltdown when it was time to go because it was getting late and he was getting realy tired!!!

His favorite part of the zoo was the Bat cave!!! He wanted to stay in there and look at the bats forever...he was dressed at Batman that day too, so he fit right in!! He also really loved riding the carousel. We got free tokens for the carousel for helping a sweet, lost boy (Warner) find his Mommy!! It was so sad!!

Trent picked the Tiger!

Trent feeding the goat some hay

Great time had by all. I think even Brynny had fun! :)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Me and my boys!!

Naps didn't last long at we are all in my bed chilling!

Trent practicing writing his letters

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


We just went back to stomach for the first time!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Doctor Trent

Trent had this on when we picked him up today from school. They learned about doctors today. :)

Monday, January 9, 2012

My sweet Cole

We got to Moms Sunday morning to pick Trent up from his sleepover. This is how Cole was sleeping in the back of the car in his seat when we got there. How funny is that? He is so precious and sweet!!! He is such an awesome baby I swear!!!

I love this little boy so much!!! Mom tried on Erin's bonnet she had made her when she was a little cute is this? Looks like Colew ould be pretty darn cute little girl version too!!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Little Groomer

I got Trent a little mini me shaving set for Christmas. Here he is shaving like it!!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Cute Ava

This is a little dress I got as part of Ava's Christmas present from us. I knew she would look absolutely precious wearing it and she does of course!!! She is on her way to school here.

Shopping Buddy strikes again

Mom offered to wear this contraption during this trip to Target....her back was killing her. At one point I lost Mom.....I found her in the furniture section sitting down in the recliner to take the pressure off of her back. It was hilarious!

Cole loves being in this and seeing everything!!

Cole's - 4 month check up

Trent had to get in the picture and sabotage it for his baby brother of funny!

Well, Cole actually just turned 5 months, but the doctor wouldn't take him during the holiday break because they were booked already.

Trevor took him and they both did great!!! Cole didn't even notice the first shot, but boy did he notice the second one Trevor reported. Poor baby!!!

Height: 27" (90%)
Weight: 17 lbs 10.2 ounces (80%)

I knew his weight was getting up there....he is a big lug!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Chuckee Cheese

Trent went to Chuckee Cheese with his MawMaw today while he was out of school. He cried when Chuckee left him....poor sweet baby.

Beep, Beep the New Jeep

Santa brought Trent an awesome Jeep for Christmas! Santa really had fun assembling it too! Trent made himself at home eating his Pan Pans in it on Christmas morning.

Once we enjoyed Santa's gifts, we packed up half of our home to take the whole family to the ranch for a few days. We had Christmas with Chalyse and her family and MawMaw. Papa Wayne and MawMaw Shirley were there as well and were super sweet and helpful as always. Shirley loved her some Cole time, as did Aunt Chalyse and the cousins. It was a great visit!

Cousin Sleepover

Ava came over on New Years Eve night to have a sleepover with Trent (her best cousin)...LOL! After ten minutes I called Kelley to let her know that Ava was already over her question quota....Ava loves to inquire!

We ate fish sticks, took a bath and then Ava insisted on baking cookies before we went to bed. So, we did and we were in bed by 10:30 listening to the fireworks going off in the background.

Trent putting water on Ava's hair, she didn't want to stay in very long after he started this...LOL!

Ava slept with me since Trent still insisted on sleeping in the same bed with his Daddy....of course!!

Same of the Ava-isms I enjoyed:

"Courtney, Ava is scared!"


"Why doesn't Trent sleep with Ava?"

"Trent likes to sleep with his Daddy?"


"I love Trevor!"

"Why do you have a front door?"

"What is this for?"


"Courtney get up it is daylight outside"


"I want the juice box with the man on it, not this one"

"Ava loves to make cookies!!"

Here is Ava cuddled up to her Trevor watching a movie in the morning.

Trent and I met Kelley at Smashburger for lunch to give her back her little princess. Ava was such a sweety for our sleepover.