Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Cousins at the Zoo

Kelley and I took the kids to the zoo Saturday! It was a perfect day for the zoo. It was sunny and in the low 60's! We had a great time!! Trent and Ava are at the age now where they recognize the animals and know what they are and what signs they make. They really enjoyed themselves and Trent had a meltdown when it was time to go because it was getting late and he was getting realy tired!!!

His favorite part of the zoo was the Bat cave!!! He wanted to stay in there and look at the bats forever...he was dressed at Batman that day too, so he fit right in!! He also really loved riding the carousel. We got free tokens for the carousel for helping a sweet, lost boy (Warner) find his Mommy!! It was so sad!!

Trent picked the Tiger!

Trent feeding the goat some hay

Great time had by all. I think even Brynny had fun! :)

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