Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Cousin Sleepover

Ava came over on New Years Eve night to have a sleepover with Trent (her best cousin)...LOL! After ten minutes I called Kelley to let her know that Ava was already over her question quota....Ava loves to inquire!

We ate fish sticks, took a bath and then Ava insisted on baking cookies before we went to bed. So, we did and we were in bed by 10:30 listening to the fireworks going off in the background.

Trent putting water on Ava's hair, she didn't want to stay in very long after he started this...LOL!

Ava slept with me since Trent still insisted on sleeping in the same bed with his Daddy....of course!!

Same of the Ava-isms I enjoyed:

"Courtney, Ava is scared!"


"Why doesn't Trent sleep with Ava?"

"Trent likes to sleep with his Daddy?"


"I love Trevor!"

"Why do you have a front door?"

"What is this for?"


"Courtney get up it is daylight outside"


"I want the juice box with the man on it, not this one"

"Ava loves to make cookies!!"

Here is Ava cuddled up to her Trevor watching a movie in the morning.

Trent and I met Kelley at Smashburger for lunch to give her back her little princess. Ava was such a sweety for our sleepover.

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