Cole iss 8 months today! He is getting too big, luckily though he is staying very sweet and is such an awesome baby!
Currently loves
- macaroni and cheese
- puffs
- pudding
- guacamole
- playing with his big brother's toys
- naps
- trying to get cords
- baths
- big brother grabbing stuff out of his hands
- green beans
- getting his nails cut
- poo poo in his diaper
Trent is currently obsessed with the Green Lantern. He has watched the new movie about 30 times in the last 2 weeks.
He informed us this morning that his favorite color is no longer blue, but GREEN! He got this cool glasses in his Happy Meal Saturday night and has been wearing them or carrying them around since. This morning he had to wear them into MaMa's house to greet her.
We ordered him the light up ring off of Amazon this morning and he will be so pumped when he gets them! We can't wait!
We were said to give the bad news to Batman that has been given the boot!
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