Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Happy 8 Months birthday Cole!

How about this for a celebratory surprise.....Cole has a double ear infection! Ugh! I am ready for a healthy home again! Trent seems to be getting over his pneumonia just in time for Cole to suffer with a double ear infection.

My poor baby has a nasty cough and a runny nose and slept awful last night. He couldn't get comfy and his nose was driving him nuts. I was up several times with him trying to help soothe him back to sleep. I felt so bad for him! It is bad enough when you are a grown up and you are all stuffed up!

We had to use the aspirator once, the saline drops another time, I had to slean off the dried snot from his sweet little face...it was just awful! I hope tonight is better!

Trent Update

Trent stayed at Ada's yesterday to finish his meds and stayed in the same undies all day long with no accidents.

We sent him back to school today in his big boy undies. I hope it all goes well! To be continued...

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