Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas at Nana’s for Mungovan Crew

All of the Cousins and their babies got together at Mom’s for the Mungovan Christmas. It was busy with all of the little one’s cruising around. Everyone enjoyed each other’s company and it was great seeing Ethan crawling and getting around really well with Ava and Trent. He has really come along way.

Eat your hearts out ladies!!! Too bad for ya’ll my Mom won’t let me date yet!”

December 2009 028

Poor Trent just couldn’t catch a break today between Ava giving him the doily hat and Aunt Erin trying to “fem” him up with the hair bow.

December 2009 031

Ava & Trent Play date

Well, as is the life of being a Hunter’s widow, Steve was out of town again when Kelley had a hair appointment. So, of course being the wonderful and loving Cousin that I am I watched Little Miss Ava while Kelley got her hair done. Ava and Trent played big while Mommy was away and Aunt Courtney watched the boogers. Please note: Kelley owes me big one of these days!  ;)

Here is Trent wanting to join Ava for a ride in his car.

December 2009 015 December 2009 021

This is Ava kindly pushing him out of his car saying, “I was here first and I can drive myself thank you very much!!”

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Santa’s Lap

So, I have been avoiding waiting in a never-ending line for Trent to see Santa. Last year when Trent was only a month old I attempted the mall once for this reason and saw the line and turned around and headed right back home. This year I was just about to go see Santa at the new Vintage Park, when Erin informed me that Santa was coming to the volunteer fire department right by her neighborhood. This sounded like the perfect opportunity for Trent to see Santa. We got there at the absolute best time tonight and we were the first people on line. It was awesome!! Trent was amazing!! He didn’t even bat an eye. Plus, it helped that one of the firefighter’s had his chocolate lab there and Trent was watching the dog the entire time he was on Santa’s lap. He even walked up to the dog as soon as the photo-op was over. Great time!!! I am just hoping he is as cool next year when he is 2!!!  :)

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December 2009 037







December 2009 038

December 2009 039

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving Weekend at the Ranch

Trent’s first Boo-Boo!! It is tough being a boy at the ranch, but it makes him tough!!

November 2009 072

November 2009 071 Love this picture with is shadow in the background!

November 2009 076 Chilling with cousin Peyton. She takes such good care of him!!!

November 2009 074



Playing with the bean bags in his own cool little pint-size chair!

November 2009 070  Loving on his Daddy!! Such the sweetheart!

First Birthday Party

Trent had an awesome birthday party!! He had lots of friends and family members and got lots of new toys and clothes!!

My friend made an amazing cake to match his cowboy round-up theme!!

November 2009 055 November 2009 059

Taking a bite of his yummy cake!!






November 2009 037

November 2009 048

Playing one a new toy!

November 2009 065 Being silly by the stairs with his cool cousin Ava after the party!!

November 2009 066 Helping Daddy put together his new car from Papa Lee!

November 2009 068 Test driving it for the first time!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

October 2009 048  October 2009 049

My baby was a Tiger for his first Halloween. He was looking sweet in his costume. We went over to Erin and David's for their Annual Bash and Hayride around the neighborhood. Trevor wasn’t able to go. Cy-Fair had their Senior Night on Halloween for some reason this year. He had to walk Taylor across the field during half time. Big night for Seniors!

We showed up to Erin’s at the same time as Kelley, Steve and Ava did. Ava was a ladybug this year. It was such a precious little outfit.

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Ava wasn’t to sure about the tiger at first pounce!

Unfortunately, our little Tiger and Ladybug didn’t last long enough to enjoy the hayride this year. They didn’t go until 7:30 and by then our little tikes we worn out. So, we will take the hayride next Halloween when they are a bit older and they will definitely enjoy it then!!!

Pumpkin Patch

October 2009 019 Kelley and I took Ava and Trent to the pumpkin patch last Saturday. The weather was perfect for it. Kelley brought Ava over about 8:30 in the morning for me to watch her while she go her hair done at Erin’s. After her first week of daycare,Ava wasn’t a big fan of the whole “drop me off and leave me Mommy” idea. It took Ava about an hour to relax and warm up to being here with just me, Trevor and Trent. She loves her Uncle Trevor, but he had to leave soon after her getting here. We played for a while and I noticed both kids getting sleepy. Somehow, I was able to get Trent asleep in his crib and Ava asleep on a pallet in my bedroom. I was able to get ready for the day at this point.

Going to lunch together before the Pumpkin Patch

October 2009 010

Crawling or walking around at the pumpkin patch

October 2009 012

Trent and Ava picking out their pumpkins

October 2009 029 October 2009 033

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Feminine Side

Trent is such a meddler these days! He is able to get into everything. He is now a pro at opening and closing all of the doors in our house. Wednesday he discovered how to open and close the cabinet doors in the bathroom and the kitchen. Talk about having to watch his "every" move! It is a full time job!

Here he is this morning after playing in the closet while I was blow drying my hair and Daddy was brushing his teeth. He found the Maxi's from when I came home from delivering him.

You can't tell in this picture (from my phone) but he his 2 top teeth are in and 1 of his bottom teeth. He is getting too big!! :(

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Trip to the Ranch

Trent now has his cool camo shirt and matching pants!! He is so damn cute!!!

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Our son is going to be such a lady killer!! 009 - Copy 

Check out those beautiful and eyes and that alluring smile!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sorry so long

I have really been slacking since school started. I am doing a boot camp early in the mornings and I am worn out by bedtime.

Trent is such a happy baby!!! He has a such a personality!! He loves people! Everywhere we go he has to get people’s attention! He will stare people down until they make eye contact and then he gets so amused with himself!

He now says:

  • Dada
  • Mama
  • Nana
  • Nunu
  • Apple (just once!)

I bought him a pushing toy last weekend. At first he would just push it along while on his knees, but now he really started to walk with it. This morning he walked all the way across the living room with it over to his Daddy.


He wants nothing to so with wearing shoes. I ordered some sandals for him from Children’s Place. They are a little too big for him right now, but I wanted to try them on him this morning just for grins. Trent was not thrilled with this too much. His poor little right foot kept turning sideways in the sandal. I finally ended his torture and took them off.


He is waving now (when feels likes it) bye bye and hi! He knows what it means and how to do it, but he won’t do it all of the time for us! It has to be on his terms. He is such the Scorpio like his Dad!

He always loves to give kisses though!!! Especially in the mornings when he wakes up and when we pick him up from his Sitter’s in the afternoons. He is such a sweet little boy!! We just love him so much!!!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Groovy Dude

Here is my swwet boy in the tie dye shirt that Taylor and her friend, Katy made for him. He is so darn cute in it!!! He is wearing it to his Nunu's house.

He is now saying Dada, Mama, and Bye Bye. We have so much with him!! He is a mess and we love him so much!!! He is such a happy baby!! He is awesome!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I have to let everyone know that Trent officially started saying "Mama" last night. I was so excited! I first heard it while on our evening walk. Big Trent was with me and Little Trent and kept swearing that he didn't hear it (a smart-ass just like his brother). Lil' Trent started to repeat himself over and over again. Luckily, it wasn't a fluke and he woke up this morning to say it some more!! yay!!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

9 month check up

So, today was Trent’s 9 month check up at the pediatrician. Luckily, for us MawMaw Ada was nice enough to take him for us since work has started back up for Trevor and I already and she watched Little Man on Thursdays it worked out wonderfully!

Current Stats:

Height: 30 1/4 inches (90-97%)

Weight: 23 1/2 lbs. (90%)

Head: 47 inches (90%)

Our Little Man is doing great!! MawMaw said he was super the entire doctor visit. As usual, with strangers, especially the fairer sex he was smiling and cooing and just working that Spradley Charm! He has to make sure and gets everyone’s attention. He will make an effort to smile and look at the person until he gets their attention and they smile back. Trevor and I get such a kick out of this! It is hilarious!

Big Trent has been visiting with us for the past week! We really enjoy having him here with us. Little Trent just loves him and crawls over to him every chance he gets for some Big Trent attention!

Let me explain this picture. So, Taylor calls and wants to go eat at Olive Garden. She, Ada and Big Trent were on there way and called to see if we wanted to join. Trevor was exhausted and wanted to pass on the offer, but I was up for it and started to change clothes. I was about to walk out the door and Trevor handed me Lil’ Trent to take with me, I was hesitant since it was already 6:45 and I know how my baby loves his routine at night….long story short, he is in bed by 8 every night, which makes dinner out not so much fun if it interferes with bedtime.

Well, we get to Olive Garden and it is a 30-35 minute wait so we leave to try another place. We go into BJ’s, again another 30 minute wait there. Finally, Taylor has the idea of Hooter’s. I tried to sway her, feeling like White Trash taking my 9 month old son into Hooter’s, but Big Trent agreed and it was all over after that.

So, in this picture Taylor captured my son checking out our waitress. He had watched her walk from our table all the way over to the drink station. Priceless!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Family Bike Ride

Trevor and I have been taking walks with Trent just about every weekend since summer started. We wanted to mix it up with bike rides too. So, in order to do we needed a way to cart Little Bit around with us on our bike rides. I went to Academy and found a bike carrier for the back of the bike and then had to go out and find a helmet that was the right size for Trent as well. I brought it home and tried it on him and he was to say the least, not happy about it at all. Trevor and I both hoped that once Trent was on the bike and it was in motion that he would forget about the helmet on his head and enjoy the ride, since he LOVES his walks in the jogging stroller! Turns out that Trent LOVED his bike ride too was he and Daddy were cruising the streets of Coles Crossing!

014 Maw Maw was over when we tried this adventure and she wasn’t too sure about this whole thing….always the cautious Grandmother  :)  Unfortunately, for Dad we were in such a hurry to get Trent in, get him snuggly secured and rushed to get his helmet on…..Dad took off and then realized his seat was way too low……we were afraid to stop and fix it at this point though! He suffered through the ride and Trent was loving being able to see the neighborhood from a better vantage point!


I love how he was actually using the handle bar. He relaxed towards the end of the ride and had his hands on his little knees and was chilled back in his seat.


017 We love his cool helmet and Trevor enjoys referring to him as “Speed Racer”.

Did I mention that he also enjoyed playing in the box that his carrier came in….what kid doesn’t? He got in it and watched Kung Fu Panda from the box!








Chalyse and her family came in this past weekend. As always, Trent had a great time playing with his cousins and getting their full attention! Peyton is always watching out for her little Cousin, noticed the hands on Trent  ;)

010 Trent also made a new girlfriend with one of the girl’s toys.


When Trent first saw this doll on the floor, he crawled over to her and started talking to her. I think he really was thinking she was real. He kept giving her kissed over and over again!


We met cousin Kelley and Ava for lunch on Saturday. Yes, we met at Casa Ole as usual and had a great visit. Trent gave Ava kisses and played while we had lunch.



Great weekend!!! Too bad school is just around the corner! Trevor and I are really going to miss getting to hang out with Little Man so much! He is so much fun and such an awesome baby!!! He does something new everyday! It is great being home with him during the summer!! He is on such a routine now!! It is wonderful!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Silly Trent

Things that Trent likes at 8 months

  • Playing Peek-a-Boo and laughing at you
  • Kung Fu Panda
  • Puffs
  • Remotes
  • Cell Phones
  • Crawling
  • Pulling up on EVERYTHING!!!!
  • Guacamole
  • Growling at Daddy
  • Knocking over the glass container with decorative balls to play with them
  • Splashing in his bath
  • Evening walks with Mom & Dad
  • Looking at his reflection in the dishwasher and oven
  • Grabbing hats off of heads and eyeglasses
  • Making blanket piles in his crib to sleep on
  • Tearing up magazines or anything paper
  • Patting everything
  • Clapping

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Ava’s Birthday Party

Today Trent went to his first little party. Cousin Ava turned 1 year old today and had a pool party. I took Trent and he really had fun splashing and playing in the pool. He even made a new friend, Kate. happytrentkate

He also had fun with his little cousin Ava.


Cousin Tyler enjoyed the fun as well.







After swimming, the kids changed and we had lunch. As it got time to open presents and eat cake, it was nap time and Trent started getting a little fussy. We didn’t get to stay much longer. Trent had a fun time and was worn out. He crash in the car before we could even make it to the freeway.

Thank you Kelley and Steve for a great party with lots of fun and excitement!! See you at Trent’s birthday in 4 months…..these babies are growing up too fast!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Big Boy

Trent is so entertaining right now! Last night we chased each other around the chair for about 10 minutes. He was cracking up! He is such a good boy!! So happy!

Here he is crawling all over the kitchen.

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Loving on his Daddy and wearing his camo hat!

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Ready to take the hat off now!

013 - Copy Sporting his super cool Optimus Prime undies Mommy bought him!!!022 - Copy