Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Trent had a busy weekend, as did we all. Friday evening we relaxed, but Saturday his Nana came and watched him for a little bit while Trevor and I went to one of Trevor's old high school friend's house for a BBQ. It was a really fun time. They live really close by so after visiting for a while, we relieved Nana and brought BooBoos back to show him off to everyone. Nobody at the BBQ had met our little man yet so they were happy to finally meet him. They of course all thought he was a Little Trevor right off the bat.

Sunday we drove up to Dad's house in Elgin to visit for his birthday weekend. Erin, Dad and Tyler met us up there and we grilled steaks and had a delicious lunch. Lori served a Spinach Strawberry salad with toasted almonds and a raspberry vinegarette dressing and Trevor just devoured every last bit of it she had. He even liked it so much that Monday evening his parents treated us to dinner at TGI Friday's and he ordered the same salad off of their menu, rather it had romaine lettuce in it instead of the spinach.....he is a new fan! However, he does say that Lori's is better. Anyway, back to the visit.....we all went fishing in Dad's pond after lunch. Tyler caught all of the fish...David did catch a tiny one towards the end of the outing, but Tyler had the most and the biggest. Uncle Trevor was great at unhooking his fish and baiting his hook. :) I was sure to take a picture of Dad with Trent out by the pond. Notice the precious little tongue sticking out of Trent's mouth (just like his Daddy).

We got back in town and little man spent the night at his Nana's house for a visit and so Mom and Dad could get some good sleep. I got up the next morning and spent way too much money at HEB, as usual. I got Trent an inflatable pool for the back patio. I was surprised that he didn't enjoy it at all. Trevor seems to think that the water was just to cold for him. I was really wanting to chill in the little kiddy pool for awhile and get some much needed sun. My legs are so durn pale that last weekend when Trevor was explaining to his friend how white my legs were he said that I was "trying to impersonate a ghost". So sad, but true!!

Well, Trent didn't enjoy his first time in the pool, but he sure was festive in his American flag trunks in support of the soldiers on Memorial Day. My precious little man!!!

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