Friday, May 8, 2009

Wanted to add some pictures of is one of him in his new high chair we bought last weekend. Boy does it make feeding him easier now that he wants to move.

Here is one from last night. Trent has this little tummy time mat that he plays with and it has a toucan velcroed above his head. Trevor and I get the biggest laugh out Trent playing with this these days. He will lay on his back and start kind of toying with the toucan by petting it and then in a surprise attack he will rip it off and throw it to the side. It is quite amusing!!! The funniest part is that he will continue to do this over and over again as long as we keep velcroing it back on the arch. It is quite similar to how he rough-houses with the toy in his high chair. Well, this picture shows how somehow Lil' Trent was playing with the toucan and he was able to miraculously velcro it to his diaper!!! It was so cute! You can see Trevor getting a kick out of it too. Look at those thighs ladies!!!

All I can say here is: PRUNES!!!! Enough said!

Here is Trent is his bath. He LOVES his bath! He splashes and kicks like crazy!!

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