Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Trent is really trying to crawl lately. I know it is kind of early, but he pushes with his legs and tries to move. Trevor and I really don't think it will be much longer. He loves to just push himself up and look around and see what is going on. He doesn't like to sit still for any amount of time.

I mentioned before that he loves his CMT videos. He especially gets excited whenever his blonde favorites came on the TV. This morning we were getting ready and he started to get fussy. Trevor thought to turn the channel to CMT and low and behold one of Trent's favorite videos was on....Kelly Pickler's "The best days of your life"......Trent stopped fussing instantaneously and started to smile and was glued to the TV. It was hilarious!!!

As you can see.............he wouldn't take his eyes off of his girl Kelly!

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