Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ranch Weekend

Trent had a fun weekend up at the Spradley Ranch. He loves the Ranch!! He went up with his Dad and his grandparents the weekend before and gave Mommy the weekend to herself for Mother's Day to get a massage and facial. It was a nice treat!!!
This past weekend Trevor, Me and BooBoos left right after school and headed up there. Trent is such a great traveller. He fell asleep in Brenham and slept the next 3 hours until we got to the ranch. He also slept the ENTIRE trip home. It was so nice.
We got back Sunday and Trent and I went to visit Nana, Aunt Erin and Tyler at Nana's house. Trent is so fun to watch now. He kind of scoots and tries to crawl so bad. Mom and I got a kick out watching him because at times it looks like he is hunching the floor. So precious! He can also stand up for awhile by himself if he is supported. Here he is at Mom's (Nana's) house resting up against her couch. He is so proud of himself!

We all went up for dinner after our visit for Mexican food (of course) and he was just a little angel. He is so good in restaurants now, for the most part he will just chill in carrier seat for a good 30 minutes or so and after that he is usually ready to get up and look around.

Trevor and I have discovered that Trent doesn't know a stranger. Wherever we go with him, he just smiles and coos at everyone, especially the ladies!! He is a charmer and that smile is going to have all of the girls going crazy!!! Mom will be sure to scare them ALL away though!! Beware flirty Mamas 'cuz nobody is gonna be good enough for my boy!!

Trent's sitter is nuts for him! Now when we go to drop him off in the mornings, as soon as she opens the door Trent is leaning in for her to grab him out of our arms. He just loves her!! In the afternoons when we go to pick him up after school, Nunu (sitter) now whispers in Trent's ear, "your sitters are here for you, but you will be back with me tomorrow though so don't you worry." It is so cute!!!

I know this is a G-rated site, but I just have to add this new discovery to the blog......Trent has officially found his twig and berries, Big Jim and the twins, baseball bat and balls, or however you want to refer to them, but he has found them. He played with them all during his bath tonight. Trevor and I would start laughing and he would play with them even longer. I am not ready for that!! Boys will be boys thought I guess, huh!?!? He's a mess!

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