Friday, May 8, 2009

Trent is so fun to watch now. You put him down and he automatically goes into a roll. It is so cute! He is now rolling repeatedly around to get to where he wants to go. He is all over his crib now days too. I will put him down at night at the top of his crib and when I go in to check on him he is at the opposite end or laying across the crib.

It is so precious so see him sleeping in his crib. Trent has a super soft stuffed little horse that stays in his crib. He now rolls towards the horse and uses it as a little pillow. The last few nights I will go in there and he has manuevered himself to where his little head is resting on his horsey. He loves his little horse. There have been times when Trent has rubbed the little horse until he puts himself to sleep. The other night I put Trent back down at 2 when he woke up and he rolled over to his side and put his arm around his horse like he was cuddling with it. So sweet!!

I keep wanting to take a picture of him sleeping crazy-like in his crib with is horse as a pillow or a cuddle partner, but I am always so afraid that I am going to wake him up.

I just found one (later today) on the camera that Trevor took a few weeks back.

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